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WSB 43 WSB 43/2 WSB 43 annotated agenda

43rd Meeting of the Wadden Sea Board (WSB 43), 16 May 2024, Ameland, Netherlands

WSB 43-2_adopted annotated agenda.pdf141.48 KB
WSB 42 WSB 42/0 WSB 42 Adopted Summary Record

23 November 2023
Wilhelmshaven, Germany

WSB 42 FINAL summary record.pdf337.34 KB
WSB 43 WSB 43/5.1/2 Progress on Strategic Environmental Assessment

Joint Strategic Environmental Assessment, joint SEA, World Heritage Centre, Decision 45COM 7B.23, World Heritage Committee, SoC report, State of Conservation

WSB 43-5-1-2_Progress Strategic Environmental Assessment_rev1_0.pdf358.82 KB
WSB 43 WSB 43/5.1/1 Timeline_State of Conservation Report

Timeline, State of Conservation Report, world heritage centre

WSB 43-5-1-1_Timeline_State of Conservation Report.pdf185.18 KB
WSB 43 WSB 43/4 CWSS Announcements

CWSS, Announcements, Wadden Sea Board

WSB 43-4_Announcements by CWSS.pdf217.17 KB
WSB 43 WSB 43/5.2/2 NG-ST progress report

Strategy of Sustainable Tourism in the Wadden Sea World Heritage Destination, evaluation, Network Group Sustainable Tourism, NG-ST, comparative status survey, consultations

WSB 43-5-2-2_NG-ST Progress Report.pdf183.67 KB
WSB 42 Farewell speech of Janne Liburd

Delivered at the WSB42 dinner, Wilhelmshaven, 22 November 2023

Liburd 2023 WSB Farewell dinner.pdf144.05 KB
WSB 41 WSB 41/0 WSB 41 Adopted Summary Record

15-16 May 2023, Esbjerg, Denmark

WSB-41_Final Summary Record.pdf530.92 KB
WSB 42 WSB 42/5.2/1 Activities report of the Ad hoc Working Group Cables and Pipelines

energy, cables and pipelines, activities report

WSB 42-5-2-1_Activities report of the Ad hoc Working Group Cables and Pipelines.pdf151.57 KB
WSB 42 WSB 42/5.3/1 Wadden Sea World Heritage Brand

WSWH brand, Brand Management 

WSB-42-5-3-1_Wadden Sea World Heritage Brand.pdf142.72 KB
WSB 42 WSB 42/5.3/2 Annual progress report on the status of SIMPlementation

SIMPlementation, SIMP, progress report

WSB-42-5-3-2_Annual progress report on the status of SIMPlementation.pdf215.21 KB
WSB 42 WSB 42/5.3/3 Tentative scope of the TWSC communication strategy

Communication strategy, revision process, scope

WSB-42-5-3-3_Communication strategy update.pdf113.54 KB
ad hoc TG-WH (1 Sept. 23) SoC Report TG-WH ad hoc SoC Report-Draft-Summary-Record-2023-09-01

TG-WH ad hoc SoC Report-Draft-Summary-Record-2023-09-01

TG-WH ad hoc SoC Report-Draft-Summary-Record-2023-09-01.docx68.49 KB
EG-Swimway 22-4 EG-Swimway 22-4 EG-Swimway 22-4

Swimway vision and action programme, Fish, Mid-term review, Interconnectivity, Microsite, Trialteral Governmental Conference 2022, Swimway conference

EG-Swimway22-4-final-summary-record.docx132.81 KB
WSB 39 WSB 39/0 WSB 39 Adopted Summary Record

29 November 2022, Wilhelmshaven, Germany

WSB-39 FINAL Summary Record.pdf355.1 KB
WSB 40 WSB 40/0 WSB 40 Adopted Summary Record

29 November 2022, Wilhelmshaven, Germany

WSB-40_FINAL Summary Record.pdf296.69 KB
TPC-WSR 14 TPC-WSR 14-1 TPC-WSR 14-1 draft agenda

TPC-WSR 14, Agenda

TPC-WSR 14-1 draft agenda.docx114.99 KB
TG-WH 41 TG-WH 41 TG-WH 41-Final-Draft-Summary-Record-2023-05-09

Summary Record, TG-WH

TG-WH 41-Final-Draft-Summary-Record-2023-05-09.docx62.4 KB
WSB 41 WSB-41-5-2-2 WSB-41-5-2-2-Management guidelines - avian influenza - final

Breeding bird management, Avian influenza

WSB-41-5-2-2-Management guidelines - avian influenza-final.pdf1.1 MB
WSB 41 WSB 41/8/2 Information paper to WSB on shipping and ports

SustSPI, Sustainable Shipping and ports, WSF, PH, DBU, eNGOs

WSB-41-8-2-Information paper shipping and ports.pdf201.13 KB
WSB 41 WSB 41/5.1/1 TG-WH-Progress Report

World Heritage, State of Conservation Report, 3rd Periodic Reporting

WSB-41-5-1-1-TG-WH-Progress-(2023-04-21).pdf1020.68 KB
WSB 41 WSB 41/5.2/1 TG-M progress report

Flyway & Breeding Birds, Fish targets / Swimway, Wardening & management, Seal Management Plan, Harbour porpoises, Alien species, Sustainable fisheries, Marine litter, Energy, Ports and Shipping, ad hoc WG Cables and Pipelines

WSB-41-5-2-1-TG-M progress report-final.pdf124.2 KB
The SIMP Integrated Management Plan for ONE Wadden Sea World Heritage

SIMP, key topics, site management, world heritage, key topics, fisheries, tourism, coastal protection, shipping, ports, energy

KOL019 - SIMP Report (English) 2023 - digital.pdf24.86 MB
WSB 41 WSB 41/6 OPTeamPH Progress Report and Roadmap

Partnership Hub, Progress Report, Roadmap

WSB-41-6 OPteamPH progress_report_roadmap.pdf171.75 KB
WSB 41 WSB 41/4 CWSS Announcements

Prowad link, social media, media review, MANABAS Coast

WSB-41-4-Announcements by CWSS.pdf290.79 KB
WSB 41 WSB 41/5.1/3 Draft SIMPlementation strategy

SIMP, implementation, strategy

WSB 41-5-1-3-Draft SIMPlementation strategy.pdf471.74 KB
WSB 41 WSB 41/5.1/2 SIMP final version WSB-41-5-1-2-SIMP final version.pdf107.22 KB
WSB 41 WSB 41/5.3 QSR process improvement

Quality Status Report

WSB-41-5-3 QSR process improvement.pdf154.08 KB
WSB 41 WSB 41/9 Info WSB thematic meeting 16 May 2023

Energy, Thematic meeting agenda

WSB-41-9-Info WSB thematic meeting 16 May 2023.pdf1.15 MB
WSB 41 WSB 41/8/1 WSF Communication on TrilaWatt


WSB-41-8-1-WSF Communication on TrilaWatt.pdf116.42 KB
WSB 41 WSB 41/2 Final draft annotated agenda

Agenda, WSB 41

WSB-41 Final draft annotated agenda.pdf232.21 KB
WSB 41 WSB 41/5.4 Proposal for process of TWSC communication strategy evaluation

2012 TWSC Communication Strategy, Revision, 2021 internal assessment

WSB-41-5-4-Communication strategy evaluation proposal.pdf115.5 KB
TG-WH-41 TG-WH 41-4-1 TG-WH 41-4-1-Draft SIMPlementation strategy

SIMP Implementation Strategy

TG-WH 41-4-1-Draft SIMPlementation strategy.docx137 KB
EG-C 16 EG-C 16/2 EG-C 16/2 Draft summary record EG-C 15

Trilateral Governmental Conference, Ministerial Declaration, Work plan, Interreg MANABAS Coast, Trilateral Monitoring Assessment Programme (TMAP), Trilateral Research Agenda, Alien species

EG-C-16-2_EG-C 15-summary record.docx1.95 MB
EG-C 12 EG-C 12 EG-C 12 Final summary record

Work Plan 2022 - 2026, Trilateral Governmental Conference (TGC) side event, Climate Vulnerability Index (CVI)

FINAL-SR-EG-C12v1.0.docx438.39 KB
EG-C 13 EG-C 13/1 EG-C 13 Draft agenda

Climate Vulnerability Index (CVI), Trilawatt, Interreg EU North Sea proposal MAinstreaming NAture BAsed Solution (MANABAS), Work plan, Trilateral Governmental Conference (TGC)

EG-C 13_draft_agendav0.2.docx104.78 KB
EG-C 16 EG-C 16/4 EG-C 16/4 Work plan

Work plan, Interreg MANABAS Coast

EG-C-16-4-Work plan and ToR draft.docx115.95 KB
EG-C 13 EG-C 13/6 EG-C 13/6 Activities 2022 (and Work plan 2022 – 2026)

Work plan

EG-C-13-5-Overview of possible activities.docx43.86 KB
EG-C 16 EG-C 16/1 EG-C 16 Draft Agenda

Activities and Work plan 2023 – 2026, Interreg MANABAS Coast

EG-C 16_draft_agendav0.2.docx113.42 KB
EG-C 13 EG-C 13/2 EG-C 13/2 Draft summary record EG-C 12

Work Plan 2022 - 2026, Trilateral Governmental Conference (TGC) side event, Climate Vulnerability Index (CVI)

EG-C13-2-Draft-SR-EG-C12v0.1.docx440.96 KB
EG-C 15 EG-C 15 EG-C 15 final summary record

Trilateral Governmental Conference, Ministerial Declaration, Work plan, Interreg MANABAS Coast, Trilateral Monitoring Assessment Programme (TMAP), Trilateral Research Agenda, Alien species

EG-C-15_final-summary record.docx1.94 MB
EG-C 13 EG-C 13 EG-C 13 Final summary record

Climate Vulnerability Index (CVI), Trilawatt, Interreg EU North Sea proposal MAinstreaming NAture BAsed Solution (MANABAS), Work plan, Trilateral Governmental Conference (TGC)

EG-C-13 Final-Summary record.docx2.32 MB
TG-WH-41 TG-WH-41-5-1 TG-WH-41-5-1-PR_full_Wadden_Sea-2023-3-10

Periodic Reporting

TG-WH-41-5-1-PR_full_Wadden_Sea-2023-3-10.docx550.67 KB
TG-WH-41 TG-WH 41-3 TG-WH 41-3-Announcement DK

Announcement Planning Wind Farms DK

TG-WH 41-3-Announcement DK.docx53.4 KB
TG-WH-41 TG-WH-41-5-2 TG-WH-41-5-2 OG 172 Report to WHC

Reporting Wolrd Heritage Center Operational Guideline 172

TG-WH-41-5-2_172report_to WHC_case selection.docx3.81 MB
TG-WH-41 TG-WH-41-1 TG-WH 41-1-Draft agenda-revised

Draft Agenda

TG-WH 41-1-Draft agenda-revised.docx56.61 KB
TG-WH-40 TG-WH 40 TG-WH 40 Draft Summary Record

Summary Record

TG-WH 40-Draft-Summary-Record-2023-02-17.docx52.92 KB
EG-Swimway 23-1 EG-Swimway 23-1/2 EG-Swimway 23-1/2 Draft summary record 22-4

Swimway vision and action programme, Fish, Mid-term review, Interconnectivity, Microsite, Trialteral Governmental Conference 2022, Swimway conference

EG-Swimway23-1-2-draft-summary-record 22-3 v0.2.docx133.77 KB
EG-Swimway 23-1 EG-Swimway 23-1/7 EG-Swimway 23-1/7 TOR

Terms of Reference, Swimway vision and action programme, Fisheries

EG-Swimway23-1-7-TOR.docx130.99 KB
EG-Swimway 23-1 EG-Swimway 23-1/1 EG-Swimway EG-Swimway 23-1/1 Draft Agenda v0.3

Chairmanship, TrilateralGovernmental Conference 2022, Swimway vision and action programme, Work plan, Fish

EG-Swimway-23-1_draft_agendav0.3.docx159.74 KB
TG-WH-40 TG-WH 40-1 TG-WH 40-1 Draft Agenda

Draft Agenda

TG-WH 40-1-draft agenda-(2023-01-19).docx51.49 KB
TG-WH-40 TG-WH 40-4-1 TG-WH 40-4-1 Periodic-Reporting

Periodic Reporting

TG-WH 40-4-1-Periodic-Reporting-(2023-01-19).docx52.69 KB
TG-WH-39 TG-WH 39 TG-WH 39 Draft Summary Record

Summary Record

TG-WH 39-Draft-Summary-Record-2023-01-04.docx56.19 KB
WSB 38 WSB 38/0 WSB 38 Adopted Summary Record

6 October 2022, Tønder (DK)

WSB-38 Final Draft Summary Record.pdf274.98 KB
WSB 37 WSB 37/0 WSB 37 Adopted Summary Record

26 August 2022, Wilhelmshaven (D)

WSB-37 Final Summary Record.pdf316.69 KB
WSB 40 WSB 40/2 WSB 39 Draft Annotated Agenda

30 November 2022, Wilhelmshaven

WSB-40-2-Draft annotated agenda.pdf101.92 KB
WSB 39 WSB-39/4/1 WSB 39 Announcements CWSS

Announcements CWSS Interreg Darker Sky, Joint event KID and sustainable ports

WSB-39-4-1 Announcements by CWSS.pdf195.77 KB
WSB 39 WSB 39/2 WSB 39 Draft Annotated Agenda

29 November 2022, Wilhelmshaven

WSB-39-2 Draft Annotated Agenda.pdf186.54 KB
WSB 39 WSB 39/5.2/2 Note from the chair of TG-MA

Trilateral Monitoring and Assessment Programme, TMAP, Parameter, Task Group Monitoring and Assessment, TG-MA, Quality Status Report, QSR, Expert Group Data, EG-Data, data handling

WSB-39-5-2-2 Note from the chair of TG-MA.pdf108.36 KB
WSB 39 WSB 39/5.1/f (Draft) Statements by and the involvement of the Younger Generation

Trilateral Youth Conference, volunteering

WSB 39-5-1-f (Draft) Statements by and the involvement of the Younger Generation.pdf136.23 KB
WSB 39 WSB 39/5.1/c Updated Action Plan on Implementing the WSWH Sustainable Tourism Strategy

Sustainable Tourism Strategy, Action Plan, Network Group Sustainable Tourism,  NG-ST

WSB 39-5-1-c updated Tourism Action Plan.pdf895.53 KB
WSB 39 WSB 39/5.1/a MoU Banc d’Arguin – CWSS Wadden Sea Draft Action Plan 2023-2026

Memorandum of Understanding National Parc Banc d’Arguin (PNBA), Wadden Sea Flyway Initiative (WSFI)

WSB 39-5-1-a-Action plan 2023-2026 MoU PNBA Mauritania.pdf313.57 KB
WSB 39 WSB 39/5.2/1 TMAP parameter proposals

Trilateral Monitoring and Assessment Programme, TMAP, Parameter, Task Group Monitoring and Assessment, TG-MA

WSB-39-5-2-1 TMAP parameter proposals.pdf198.02 KB
WSB 39 WSB 39/5.1/b Wadden Sea Seal Management Plan 2023-2027

Expert Group Marine Mammals (EG-MM), Task group Management (TG-M)

WSB 39-5-1-b-Seal Management Plan 2023-2027.pdf1.31 MB
TG-M 22-4 TG-M 22-4/2 TG-M 22-4/2 Draft summary record TG-M 22-3

Biodiversity, Closed areas, Implementation of the Leeuwarden Declaration /TG-M progress report to WSB 37, Sustainable fisheries, Renewable Energy, ad hoc WG Cables and Pipelines, Shipping, Natura 2000 roof report

TG-M22-4-DRAFT-SummaryRecord-TG-M22-3_v0.2.pdf1.96 MB
TG-M22-4 TG-M22-4\6 TG-M22-4/6 Fisheries meeting agenda

Framework Sustainable Fisheries

TG-M22-4-6-Fisheries_meeting_agenda.docx113.74 KB
TG-M 22-4 TG-M 22-4/1 TG-M 22-4 Agenda v0.3

Biodiversity Strategy - Closed area report, Seal Management Plan, Swimway vision and action programme, Sustainable fisheries, Marine litter, Renewable Energy

TG-M 22-4_draft_agenda_v0.3.docx106.84 KB
TG-M 22-4 TG-M 22-4/8 TG-M 22-4/8 Renewable energy

Renewable energy, ad hoc Working Group Cables and Pipelines (WG-CP)

TG-M22-4-8-Renewable_Energy_Draft progress report.docx108.91 KB
TG-M 22-4 TG-M 22-4/5 TG-M 22-4/5 Midterm review Swimway Vision and Action Programme

Swimway Vision and Action Programme, Fish, Midterm review

TG-M22-4-5-Swimway-midterm-review.docx72.91 KB
TG-M22-4 TG-M22-4/4 TG-M 22-4/4 Closed are report

Biodiversity strategy, Closed area

TG-M22-4-4-closed-area-report-compressed.pdf1.91 MB
EG-Swimway 22-3 EG-Swimway 22-3 EG-Swimway 22-3 Final summary record v1.0

Swimway vision and action programme, Swimway historical reference (SHIRE), Graduate school, Mid-term review, Trilateral Governmental Conference 2022, Windows of opportunity – guidelines/position paper, Swimway conference 2024

EG-Swimway22-3 final-summary-record v1.0.docx136.33 KB
EG-Swimway 22-4 EG-Swimway 22-4/5 EG-Swimway 22-4/5 TGC side event

Trilateral Governmental Conference (TGC) 2022, Side event, Swimway Vision Action Programme, Fish

EG-Swimway-22-4-5-TGC side event Swimway2022-11-08.docx3.9 MB
EG-Swimway 22-4 EG-Swimway 22-4/2 EG-Swimway 22-4/2 Draft summary record 22-3

Swimway vision and action programme, Swimway historical reference (SHIRE), Graduate school, Mid-term review, Trilateral Governmental Conference 2022, Windows of opportunity – guidelines/position paper, Swimway conference 2024

EG-Swimway22-4-2-draft-summary-record 22-3 v0.3.docx143.43 KB
EG-Swimway 22-4 EG-Swimway 22-4/1 EG-Swimway 22-4 Draft Agenda v0.3

Swimway vision and action programme, Swimway historical reference (SHIRE), Midterm review, Trilateral Governmental Conference 2022, Swimway conference 2024

EG-Swimway-22-4_draft_agendav0.3.docx104.68 KB
EG-Swimway 22-4 EG-Swimway 22-4/4.2 EG-Swimway 22-4/4.2 Draft midterm review

Swimway vision and action programme, Midterm review

EG-Swimway22-4-4-2-mitderm-review.docx76.9 KB
EG-Swimway 22-4 EG-Swimway 22-4/1 EG-Swimway 22-4 Draft Agenda v0.3

Swimway vision and action programme, mid term review, SHIRE, microsite, Trilateral Governmental Conference, Swimway conference 2024

EG-Swimway-22-4_draft_agendav0.3.docx104.68 KB
TG-WH-39 TG-WH 39-1 TG-WH 39-1 Draft Agenda

Draft Agenda

TG-WH 39-1-draft agenda-(2022-10-13).docx52.14 KB
TG-WH-39 TG-WH 39-5-2 TG-WH 39-5-2 Reporting to WH Centre

PG 172 Reporting to WH Centre

TG-WH 39-5-2-WHC-Reporting-(2022-10-11).docx59.08 KB
TG-WH-38 TG-WH 38 TG-WH 38 Draft Summary Record

Summary Record

TG-WH 38-Draft-Summary-Record-2022-10-11-v2.docx56.26 KB
WSB 38 WSB 38/5.1/1 Progress Report TG World Heritage

World Heritage Report, WHC requests

WSB-38-5-1-1-TG-WH-Progress-(2022-09-26).pdf160.51 KB
WSB 38 WSB 38/5.3/2 TMAP data handling proposal

Trilateral Monitoring and Assessment Programme, TMAP, data handling

WSB-38-5-3-2 TMAP data handling proposal.pdf426.69 KB
WSB 38 WSB 38/7/1 Trilateral Youth Conference Event Report

Trilateral Youth Conference, Trilateral Governmental Conference

WSB-38-7-1 TYC Event Report.pdf1.01 MB
WSB 38 WSB 38/5.3/1 TG-MA Progress Report

Trilateral Monitoring and Assessment Programme, TMAP, Quality Status Report, QSR, data handling, thematic reports

WSB-38-5-3-1 TG-MA progress report.pdf111.73 KB
WSB 38 WSB 38/6 Outlook for the next phase of the Partnership Hub

Partnership Hub: organisation and activities outlook

WSB-38-6 Outlook for the next phase of the Partnership Hub .pdf253.55 KB
WSB 38 WSB 38/5.1/3 SIMP draft implementation strategy

Single integrated management plan (SIMP), implementation strategy, implementation matrix

WSB-38-5-1-3 SIMP draft implementation strategy.pdf121.21 KB
WSB 38 WSB 38/5.2/1 TG-M progress report

Flyway & Breeding Birds, Fish targets / Swimway, Wardening & management, Seal Management Plan, Harbour porpoises, Alien species, Sustainable fisheries, Marine litter, Energy, Ports and Shipping, Natura 2000 roof report, Single integrated management plan (SIMP), Quality Status Report (QSR), ad-hoc WG Cables and Pipelines

WSB-38-5-2-1-tg m progress report-FINAL.pdf162.97 KB
WSB 38 WSB 38/2 WSB 38 Draft Annotated Agenda

6 October 2022

Tønder (DK)

Version 2

WSB-38-2 Draft annotated agendav2.pdf215.84 KB
WSB 38 WSB 38/5.1/2 SIMP progress report

Single integrated management plan (SIMP), Wilhelmshaven Declaration, SIMP key topics

WSB-38-5-1-2 SIMP progress report.pdf5.85 MB
TG-WH-38 TG-WH 38-4-2 TG-WH 38-4-2 SIMP document

SIMP document amendments

TG-WH 38-4-2 SIMP document (2022-09-06).docx67.66 KB
TG-WH-38 TG-WH 38-4-1 TG-WH 38-4-1 SIMP implementation

SIMP implementation strategy

TG-WH 38-4-1 SIMP implementation (2022-09-01).docx100.79 KB
TG-WH-38 TG-WH 38-1 TG-WH 38-1 Draft Agenda

Draft Agenda

TG-WH 38-1-draft agenda-(2022-09-01).docx102.57 KB
WSB 36 WSB 36/0 WSB 36 Adopted Summary Record

26 August 2022

Wilhelmshaven (D)

WSB-36 Final Draft Summary Record.pdf275.63 KB
WSB 37 WSB 37/7/2 Draft Conference Programme TGC 2022

Trilateral Governmental Conference Wilhelmshaven

WSB 37-7-2-TGC14_Draft Programme.pdf596.26 KB
WSB 37 WSB 37/5.1/4 IUCN recommendation on the draft SIMP

IUCN/UNESCO World Heritage Centre formal comment SIMP

WSB-37-5-1-4-IUCN recommendation on SIMP.pdf235.45 KB
WSB 37 WSB 37/5.3 IWSS Evaluation Report 2022

International Wadden Sea School, IWSS, Evaluation, 2018-2022

WSB-37-5-3 IWSS Evaluation Report 2022.pdf1.21 MB
WSB 37 WSB-37-6-6.2 Partnership Hub Evaluation Report

Partnership Hub Pilot Phase Evaluation; final report; document repaired 15.08.2022

WSB-37-6-6.2 Partnership Evaluation_Report_FINAL.pdf1.07 MB
WSB37 WSB-37-4-1 Announcements by CWSS WSB 37 Announcements CWSS

Announcements WSB37 CWSS, Ocean Conference, ORIS, Youth Conference, TransparcNet Meeting, Europarc federation

WSB-37-4-1 Announcements by CWSS.pdf119.27 KB
WSB 37 WSB-37-8-1 Joint Statement eNGO's Ports Shipping Representatives_Draft Version

Draft Joint Statement from eNGO´s, Ports and Shipping representatives

WSB-37-8-1-Joint Statement eNGO's Ports Shipping Representatives.pdf241.54 KB
WSB 37 WSB-37-6-6.1 OPTeamPH Progress Report

OPTeamPH Progress report WSB 37: Evaluation Pilot Phase, Projects and Activities, TGC 14

WSB-37-6-6.1 OPteamPH progress_report_FINAL.pdf157.87 KB
WSB 37 WSB-37-1-WSB 37 Draft annotated agenda WSB 37 Draft Agenda

Draft Agenda Wadden Sea Board 37  26th of August 2022


WSB-37-1_WSB 37 Draft annotated agenda.pdf214.75 KB
WSB 37 WSB-33-5-4-1 Toursim Action Plan.pdf WSB 37 Action Plan WSWH Sustainable Tourism

WSB 37 Action Plan on Implementing the Wadden Sea World heritage Sustainable Tourism Strategy, NG-ST

WSB-37-5-4-1 Tourism Action Plan.pdf1012.06 KB
WSB-37 WSB-37-5-1-2 SIMP Progress Report

single integrated management plan (SIMP), site manager, fisheries, shipping, tourism, coastal flood defence and protection, energy, Task Group World Heritage

WSB-37-5-1-2 SIMP Progress Report.pdf6.23 MB
WSB-37 WSB-37-5-1-3 WSFI Strategic Framework 2022-2029

WSFI, Flyway, New Strategic Framework

WSB-37-5-1-3 WSFI Strategic Framework 2022-2029_FINAL.pdf1.28 MB
WSB-37 WSB-37-5-1-1 TG-WH Progress Report

Task Group World Heritage, State of Conservation reporting, UNESCO logo, mining

WSB-37-5-1-1 TG-WH Progress Report.pdf250.39 KB
TG-M 20-4 TG-M 20-4/1 TG-M 20-4 Draft Agenda v0.4

Leeuarden Declaration, Expert Group Swimway Draft Terms of Reference, Swimway policy statement, Marine litter inventory, Shipping, Single integrated management plan (SIMP), Quality Status Report (QSR)

TG-M 20-4_draft_agendav0.4.docx106.26 KB
TG-M 20-4 TG-M 20-4/6.2 TG-M 20-4/6.2 QSR

Quality Status Report, Fisheries, Shipping, Energy

TG-M20-4-6-2-QSR.docx43.07 KB
TG-M 20-4 TG-M 20-4/6.1 TG-M 20-4/6.1 SIMP legal databases Annex 2 Shipping

Single integrated management plan (SIMP), Shipping, Legal database

TG-M20-4-6-1-SIMP-legal database Annex 2 Shipping regulation Wadden Sea.xlsx150.9 KB
TG-M 20-4 TG-M 20-4/4.4.3 TG-M 20-4/4.3 Swimway policy statement

Expert Group Swimway, Swimway Vision and Action Programme, Fish, Policy

TG-M20-4-4-3-Swimway-policy statement.docx285.98 KB
TG-M 20-4 TG-M 20-4/6.1 TG-M 20-4/6.1 SIMP legal databases

Single integrated management plan (SIMP), Fisheries, Shipping, Legal database

TG-M20-4-6-1-SIMP-legal databases.docx43.54 KB
TG-M 22-2 TG-M 22-2 TG-M 22-2 Final Summary Record v1.0

Biodiversity, Closed areas, Renewable energy, ad hoc Working Group Cables and Pipelines, Shipping, Leeuwarden Declaration, Ministerial Conference Declaration (MCD) and Governmental Conference (TGC)

TG-M22-2 Final SummaryRecordv1.0.docx371.96 KB
TG-M 20-4 TG-M 20-4/3.2 TG-M 20-4/3.2 Round Table “Shipping Safety” - Trilateral Stakeholder Analysis

Shipping safety, Wadden Sea Forum (WSF)

TG-M20-4-3-2-20201113_RTShipping_NLPV_Draft_final_draft.pdf893.71 KB
TG-M 20-4 TG-M 20-4/4.4 TG-M 20-4/4.4rev Marine litter inventory

Marine litter

TG-M20-4-4-4-rev Marine litter inventory.docx57.37 KB
TG-M 20-4 TG-M 20-4 TG-M 20-4 Final summary record

Leeuarden Declaration, Expert Group Swimway Draft Terms of Reference, Swimway policy statement, Marine litter inventory, Shipping, Single integrated management plan (SIMP), Quality Status Report (QSR)

TG-M20-4-SR_FINAL.docx397.94 KB
TG-M 20-4 TG-M 20-4/2 TG-M 20-4/2 Draft summary record TG-M 20-3

Leeuwarden Declaration, ad hoc Working Group Swimway (ad hoc WG-Swimway), Shipping, Energy, Single integrated management plan (SIMP), Sustainable fisheries

TG-M20-4-2-SR20-3.docx136.33 KB
TG-M 20-4 TG-M 20-4/6.1 Annex 1 TG-M 20-4/6.1 SIMP legal databases Annex 1 Fisheries

Single integrated management plan (SIMP), Fisheries, Legal database

TG-M20-4-6-1-SIMP-legal database Annex 1 Fisheries.xlsx74.36 KB
TG-M 20-4 TG-M 20-4/4.4.1 TG-M 20-4/4.1 LD overview

Leeuwarden Declaration

TG-M20-4-4-1-LD overview.docx114.58 KB
TG-M 20-4 TG-M 20-4/4.5 TG-M 20-4/4.5 Marine litter cover note

Marine litter, Leewarden Declaration

TG-M20-4-4-5-Marine litter cover note.docx48.47 KB
TG-M 21-1 TG-M 21-1 TG-M 21-1 Final summary record v1.0

Implementation Leeuwarden Declaration, Marine litter, Swimway Expert Group Draft Terms of Reference, Swimway policy statement, Shipping, Single integrated management plan (SIMP), Quality Status Report (QSR) fisheries and energy, OSPAR ministerial conference, Energy cables

TG-M21-1 Final Summary record v1.0.docx969.35 KB
TG-M 20-3 TG-M 20-3/5.1 TG-M 20-3/5.1 MSC Zoe-rev-Annex

Loss of containers overboard from MSC ZOE 1-2 January 2019 - Report June 2020

TG-M20-3-5-1rev_MSCZoe_Annex.pdf11.64 MB
TG-M20/Topical meeting Sustainable Fisheries TG-M20/Topical meeting Sustainable Fisheries TG-M 20/topical meeting sustainable fisheries Final summary record

Framework Sustainable Fisheries, Single integrated management plan (SIMP)

TG-M2020-Fisheries-SummaryRecordv1.0.docx59.53 KB
TG-M 20-3 TG-M 20-3/3.4.3 TG-M 20-3/3.4.3 WG-Swimway Policy summary

Ad hoc Working Group Swimway (ad hoc WG-Swimway), Wadden Sea Swimway Vision and Action Programme, Policy

TG-M20-3-4-3-WG-Swimway-Policy-summary.docx284.99 KB
TG-M 20-3 TG-M 20-3/6.1 TG-M 20-3/6.1 Fisheries inventory

Sustainable fishery, Inventory

TG-M20-3-6-1-Fisheries inventory.xlsx109.62 KB
TG-M 20-3 TG-M 20-3/2 TG-M 20-3/2 Draft summary record TG-M 20-2

Work plan, Leeuwarden Declaration, Marine litter, Natura2000 roof report, Sustainable fisheries, Single integrated management plan (SIMP)

TG-M20-3-2_SR20-2.docx135.64 KB
TG-M 20-3 TG-M 20-3/4.1 TG-M 20-3/4.1 LD Overview

Leeuwarden Declaration

TG-M20-3-4-1-LD overview.docx525.91 KB
TG-M 20-3 TG-M 20-3/1 TG-M 20-3 Draft agenda v0.3

Leeuwarden Declaration, ad hoc Working Group Swimway (ad hoc WG-Swimway), Shipping, Energy, Single integrated management plan (SIMP, Sustainable fisheries

TG-M 20-3_draft_agendav0.3.docx106.23 KB
TG-M 20-3 TG-M 20-3/5.1 TG-M 20-3/5.1rev MSC Zoe

Shipping safety, MSC Zoe

TG-M20-3-5-1_MSCZoe.docx44.49 KB
TG-M 20-3 TG-M 20-3/6.3 TG-M 20-3/6.3 Tasks fisheries consultant

Framework sustainable fisheries

TG-M20-3-6-3-Tasks fisheries consultant.docx49.64 KB
TG-M 20-3 TG-M 20-3/3.4.2 TG-M 20-3/3.4.2 WG-Swimway ToR

Draft Terms of Reference, ad hoc Working Group Swimway (ad hoc WG-Swimway)

TG-M20-3-4-2-WG-Swimway-ToR.docx48.19 KB
TG-M 20-3 TG-M 20-3/5.2 TG-M 20-3/5.2 WST proposal

Shipping, Wadden Sea Forum (WSF), Shipping project

TG-M20-3-5-2-WST proposal.docx68.05 KB
TG-M 20-3 TG-M 20-3 TG-M 20-3 Final summary record

Leeuwarden Declaration, ad hoc Working Group Swimway (ad hoc WG-Swimway), Shipping, Energy, Single integrated management plan (SIMP, Sustainable fisheries

TG-M 20-3-SummaryRecord-FINAL.docx135.33 KB
TG-M 19-1 TG-M 19-1 TG-M 19-1 Final Summary Record

Terms of Reference, Workplan, Leeuwarden Declaration, Fisheries, Single Integrated Management Plan (SIMP)

TG-M 19-1 - Final summary record TG-M 19-1.docx111.07 KB
TG-M 19-2 TG-M 19-2/5.6.1 TG-M 19-2/5.6.1 Alien species

ad hoc WG Alien Species, MAPAS, work plan, Alien Species platform

TG-M 19-2, 5.6.1 Alien Species, WG-AS status to TG-M 19-2(final).docx48.67 KB
19-2 19-2/5.11.3 TG-M 19-2/5.11.3 WSF Proposal joint shipping group

Shipping, Wadden Sea Forum (WSF)

TG-MD 19-2, 5.11.3 Proposal for joint shipping group TWSC and WSF from WSF (final).docx44.15 KB
TG-M 20-1 TG-M 20-1/8 TG-M 20-1/8 Energy

Overview energy exploitation, Single integrated management plan (SIMP)

TG-M20-1-8-Energy.docx842.36 KB
TG-M 19-2 TG-M 19-2/5.7.1 TG-M 19-2/5.7.1 Marine litter

Marine litter

TG-M 19-2 5.7.1 Marine Litter (final).docx45.02 KB
19-2 19-2/6.1 TG-M 19-2/6.2 WH-SIMP

Single integrated management plan (SIMP)

TG-M 19-2, 6.1, Development of the WH-SIMP.docx3.23 MB
TG-M 20-1 TG-M 20-1/6 TG-M 20-1/6 ASCOBANS

Harbour porpoises, Letter to ASCOBANS

TG-M20-1-6-ASCOBANS.docx103.4 KB
TG-M 20-1 TG-M 20-1/9 TG-M 20-1/9 WSF round table shipping

Shipping, Round table, Wadden Sea Forum (WSF)

TG-M20-1-9-WSF-roundtable.docx46.05 KB
TG-MM 23 TG-MM 23 TG-MM 23 Final summary record

Trilateral Wadden Sea Cooperation (TWSC) review, Leeuwarden Declaration

TG-MM 23 final summary record.docx91.23 KB
TG-M 19-2 TG-M 19-2/5.11.2 TG-M 19-2/5.11.2 Regulations water sports shipping - Annex

Regulations water sports shipping, closed areas, restricted areas

TG-M 19-2, 5.11.2 Annex.pdf2.17 MB
TG-M 20-prelim TG-M 20-prelim TG-M 20-prelim Final summary record

Fishery, Shipping, Single integrated management plan (SIMP), EG-Seals, Work plan

TG-M20-prelim-Final-Summary-Record_v1.0.docx118.62 KB
TG-M 20-1 TG-M 20-1/9.2 TG-M 20-1/9.2 Shipping safety awareness

MARAD group, Shipping safety, Awareness, Education, Marine Protected Area (MPA)

TG-M20-1-9-2 Shipping_Safety_Awareness.docx108.34 KB
TG-M 19-2 TG-M 19-2/5.11.1 TG-M 19-2/5.11.1

Shipping safety

TG-M 19-2 5.11.1 Shipping safety (final).docx105.86 KB
19-2 19-2/2 TG-M 19-2/2 Draft summary record TG-M 19-1 TG-M 19-2.1 - Final draft summary record TG-M 19-1.docx94.2 KB
TG-M 20-1 TG-M 20-1/7 TG-M 20-1/7 Fishery

Framework Sustainable Fishery, fishery inventory, working approach

TG-M20-1-7-Fishery.docx799.12 KB
TG-M 20-2 TG-M 20-2 TG-M 20-2 Final summary record v1.0

Work plan, Leeuwarden Declaration, Marine litter, Natura2000 roof report, Sustainable fisheries, Single integrated management plan (SIMP)

TG-M 20-2-SummaryRecord-FINAL.docx131.35 KB
TG-M 19-2 TG-M 19-2/3.1 TG-M 19-2 WSB 29 final draft summary record TG-M 19-2 3.1 WSB-29, final draft summary record.docx72.02 KB
TG-M 19-2 TG-M 19-2/5.11.2 TG-M 19-2/5.11.2 Regulations water sports shipping

Regulations water sports shipping, closed areas, restricted areas

TG-M 19-2, 5.11.2 Regulations on water sports and shipping in the Wadden Sea (final).docx44.56 KB
TG-M 20-prelim TG-M 20-prelim TG-M 20-prelim Draft agenda v0.2 TG-M 20 prelim draft agenda v0.2.docx54.29 KB
TG-M 20-1 TG-M 20-1/9.3 TG-M 20-1/9.3 Shipping Lower Saxon Advisory Board

Shipping safety, Advisory Board Lower Saxony, Letter Lochte

TG-M20-1-9-3 Shipping-initiative-LS.pdf2.13 MB
WSB 37 WSB 37/5.2 TG-M Progress Report

Flyway & Breeding Birds, Fish targets / Swimway, Wardening & management, Seal Management Plan, Harbour porpoises, Alien species, Sustainable fisheries, Marine litter, Energy, Ports and Shipping, Natura 2000 roof report, Single integrated management plan (SIMP), Quality Status Report (QSR), ad hoc WG Cables and Pipelines

WSB-37-5-2 TG-M progress report_FINAL.pdf138.52 KB
TG-WH-37 TG-WH 37 TG-WH 37 Draft Summary Record

Summary Record

TG-WH 37-Draft-Summary-Record-2022-07-14.docx119.31 KB
TG-WH 37 TG-WH 37-1 TG-WH 37-1 Draft Agenda

Draft Agenda

TG-WH 37-1-draft agenda-(2022-06-17).docx54.36 KB
TG-WH 37 TG-WH 37-5-1 TG-WH 37-5-1 Response letter to WH Centre

Letter to World Heritage Centre, gas drilling Ternaard

TG-WH 37-5-1-Response Letter to WH Centre-(2022-05-08).pdf317.52 KB
TG-WH 35 TG-WH 35 TG-WH 35 Summary Record

Summary Record

TG-WH 35-Draft-Summary-Record-2022-03-09.docx120.27 KB
TG-WH 37 TG-WH 37-4-1 TG-WH 37-4-1 Draft SIMP v0.9_Consultation input

Single Integrated Management Plan v 0.9

TG-WH 37-4-1-Draft SIMP v0.9_Consultation input (07.07.2022).docx8.62 MB
TG-WH 37 TG-WH 37-6-1 TG-WH 37-6-1 UNESCO World Heritage Logo

UNESCO World Heritage Logo

TG-WH 37-6-1-UNESCO World Heritage Logo (2022-06-27).docx144.53 KB
TG-WH 37 TG-WH 37-3-1 TG-WH 37-3-1 Announcements CWSS

Flyway Youth Forum, Marine World Heritage eDNA project, 3rd Flyway Assessment Report, transnational visitor survey

TG-WH 37-3-1-announcements-CWSS-(2022-06-27).docx714.74 KB
TG-WH 37 TG-WH 37-5-2a TG-WH 37-5-2a Reporting to WH Centre

Reporting to World Heritage Center, state party informaton, Operational Guidelines 172

TG-WH 37-5-2a-WHC-Reporting-(2022-06-30).docx53.44 KB
TG-WH 37 TG-WH 37-4-2 TG-WH 37-4-2 SIMP Consultation input

SIMP Consultation Input

TG-WH 37-4-2-SIMP Consultation input (07.07.2022).xlsx27.92 KB
TG-WH 37 TG-WH 37-3-2 TG-WH 37-3-1 Announcement NLPV

National Park Lower Saxon Wadden Sea, World Heritage Anniversary

TG-WH 37-3-2-announcements-NLPV-(2022-07-11).docx51.52 KB
TG-WH 37 TG-WH 37-5-2b TG-WH 37-5-2b Brochure Welterbe Reporting (D)

Berichterstattung Welterbezentrum, Handreichung KMK

TG-WH 37-5-2b-2021-10_Broschuere_Welterbe_Annex21-10-25_end.pdf500.71 KB
EG-Swimway 22-2 EG-Swimway 22-2 EG-Swimway 22-2 final summary record

SWIMWAY vision and action programme, SWIMWAY historical reference (SHIRE), Interreg North Sea Programme, Swimway vision and action programme midterm review, WSB 36, Roadmap, Trilateral Governmental Conference 2022 side event, Swimway conference

EG-Swimway22-2-final-summary-record v1.0.docx134.95 KB
EG-Swimway 22-3 EG-Swimway 22-3/2 EG-Swimway 22-3/2 Draft summary record 22-2

SWIMWAY vision and action programme, SWIMWAY historical reference (SHIRE), Interreg North Sea Programme, Swimway vision and action programme midterm review, WSB 36, Roadmap, Trilateral Governmental Conference 2022 side event, Swimway conference

EG-Swimway22-3-draft-summary-record 22-2 v0.2.docx138.73 KB
EG-Swimway 22-3 EG-Swimway 22-3/1 EG-Swimway 22-3 Draft Agenda

SWIMWAY vision and action programme, Midterm review, Roadmap, Side event Trilateral Governmental Conference 2022, Swimway conference

EG-Swimway-22-3_draft_agendav0.2.docx104.86 KB
EG-Swimway 22-3 EG-Swimway 22-3/4 EG-Swimway 22-3/4 Draft Midterm review Action Programme

Swimway Vision and Action Programme midterm review

EG-Swimway22-3-4-mitderm-review.docx72.26 KB
TG-M 22-3 TG-M 22-3/7 TG-M 22-3/7 Renewable Energy

Renewable energy, ad hoc Working Group Cables and Pipelines

TG-M22-3-7-Renewable_Energy.docx110.26 KB
TG-M 22-3 TG-M 22-3/5.1 TG-M 22-3/5.1 Draft progress report for WSB 37

Draft progress report WSB 37

TG-M22-3-5-1-tg m progress report.docx115.42 KB
TG-M 22-3 TG-M 22-3/6.2 TG-M 22-3/6.2 Fisheries topical meeting

Sustainable fisheries

TG-M22-3-6-2-Fisheries_meeting.docx108 KB
TG-M 22-3 TG-M 22-3/2 TG-M 22-3/2 Summary record

Biodiversity (closed area), Renewable Energy, Shipping, Implementation of the Leeuwarden Declaration and work plan TG-M 2021/22, Marine litter

TG-M22-3-2-TG-M 22-2-DRAFT-SummaryRecordv0.2.docx378.5 KB
TG-M 22-3/ TG-M 22-3/5.2 TG-M 22-3 Marine litter inventory - new format

Marine litter

TG-M 22-3-5-2-Marine litter inventory and recommendations.docx947.99 KB
TG-M 22-3 TG-M 22-3-1 TG-M 22-3 Draft agenda v0.3

Biodiversity, Closed areas, Implementation of the Leeuwarden Declaration /TG-M progress report to WSB 37, Sustainable fisheries, Renewable Energy, ad hoc WG Cables and Pipelines, Shipping, Natura 2000 roof report

TG-M 22-3_draft_agenda_v0.3.docx107.47 KB
TG-WH 36 TG-WH 36 TG-WH 36-Summary Record

Summary Record

TG-WH 36-Draft-Summary-Record-2022-04-27_clean.docx115.19 KB
WSB 35 WSB 35/0 WSB 35 Adopted Summary Record

10 March 2022
Online Meeting

WSB-35 Draft Summary Record_FINAL.pdf357.45 KB
TG-WH 36 TG-WH 36-5 TG-WH 36-5-SOC examination 45COM_Wadden Sea_NL

Response letter World Heritage Center on NL information on SOC

TG-WH 36-5-Ref13753_Ack-SP_Wadden Sea SOC examination 45COM_Wadden Sea_NL_220330.pdf301.82 KB
TG-WH 36 TG-WH 36-6-3 TG-WH 36-6-3 Annex WHC World Heritage Logo

Generic World Heritage Logo

TG-WH 36 TG-WH 36-3-1 TG-WH 36 3-1-announcements CWSS

Announcements, Fifth World Heritage Marina Mangers Conference, Environmental Education, Interreg proposal MANABAS, Flayway Youth Forum, Wadden Sea Day

TG-WH 36-3-1-announcements-CWSS-(2022-04-20).pdf144.39 KB
TG-WH 36 TG-WH 36-6-4 TG-WH 36-6-4-Wadden Sea New logo overview

New Wadden Sea World Heritag Logo

TG-WH 36-6-4-Wadden Sea New logo overview.pdf1.41 MB
TG-WH 36 TG-WH 36-6-2 TG-WH 36-6-2 Letter WHC generic World Heritage Logo

World Heritage Logo, letter WHC

TG-WH 36-6-2-Letter ENG - logo generique sites Nov21.pdf31.92 KB
WSB 36 WSB 36/6 OPteamPH Progress Report

Operational Team Partnership Hub, trilateral partnership network, Partnership Hub, Trilateral Governmental Conference

WSB-36-6 OPteamPH progress_report.pdf141.02 KB
WSB 36 WSB 36/4/1 ISWSS Symposium Report

International Scientific Wadden Sea Symposium, Report, Recommendations for science & management, birds, marine mammals, alien species, sublittoral habitats, socioeconomic, ecological sustainable development, fish

WSB-36-4-1-ISWSS Symposium Report.pdf4.93 MB
WSB 36 WSB 36/5.4 IWSS progress report

International Wadden Sea School, Trilateral Education Work Programme, Evaluation

WSB-36-5-4 IWSS Progress Report.pdf1.04 MB
WSB 36 WSB 36/5.2/2 TG-M Marine litter inventory and recommendations

Marine litter

WSB-36-5-2-2 TG-M marine litter_FINAL.pdf317.32 KB
WSB 36 WSB 36/2 WSB 36 Draft annotated agenda

36th Meeting of the Wadden Sea Board (WSB 36), 28-29 April 2022, Varde, Denmark

WSB-36-2 WSB 36 Draft annotated agenda.pdf297.96 KB
WSB 36 WSB 36/5.3/1 TG-MA Progress Report

Trialteral Monitoring and Assessment Programme, TMAP, Data Handling, Quality Status Report, QSR, Thematic Reports

WSB-36-5-3-1 TG-MA progress report.pdf263.99 KB
WSB 36 WSB 36/9 Feasibility Study Trilateral Volunteer Service

Trilateral Youth Conference, Volunteer Service

WSB-36-9 Feasibility Study Trilateral Volunteer Service.pdf1.16 MB
WSB 36 WSB 36/5.2/1 TG-M Progress Report

Flyway & Breeding Birds, Fish targets / Swimway, Wardening & management, Seal Management Plan, Harbour porpoises, Alien species, Sustainable fisheries, Marine litter, Energy, Ports and Shipping, Natura 2000 roof report, Single integrated management plan (SIMP), Quality Status Report (QSR), ad hoc WG Cables and Pipelines

WSB-36-5-2-1 TG-M progress report-FINAL.pdf148.11 KB
WSB 36 WSB 36/4/2 Announcements by CWSS

Interreg North Sea Proposal MANABAS Coast, East Atlantic Flyway Youth Forum 2022, UNESCO Marine World heritage – 5th Global Managers Conference, Esbjerg 18 – 21 2023, Environmental education and youth engagement

WSB-36-4-2 Announcements by CWSS.pdf296.16 KB
WSB 36 WSB 36/5.3/2 TMAP Data Handling Scenarios

Data Handling, data handling, data access, Trialteral Monitoring and Assessment Programme, TMAP, Quality Status Report, QSR, Thematic Reports

WSB-36-5-3-2 TMAP data handling scenarios.pdf316.25 KB
TG-WH 36 TG-WH 36-6-1 TG-WH 36-6-1-UNESCO World Heritage Logo TG-WH 36-6-1-UNESCO World Heritage Logo (2022-04-06).pdf44.94 KB
TG-M 22-1 TG-M 22-1 TG-M 22-1 Final Summary Record v1.0

Habitat management, Management action sheets Lower Saxony, Renewable Energy, ad hoc Working Group Cables and Pipelines, Leeuwarden Declaration, Work plan, Ministerial Conference Declaration (MCD) and Governmental Conference (TGC)

TG-M 22-1-FINAL-SummaryRecordv1.0.docx1.92 MB
TG-M 22-2 TG-M 22-2/8.1 TG-M 22-2/8.1 Draft TG-M progress report WSB 36

Draft TG-M progress report for submission to WSB 36

TG-M22-2-8-1-WSB-36-x-draft tg m progress reportv0.1.docx119.28 KB
TG-M 22-2 TG-M 22-2/2 TG-M 22-2/2 TG-M 22-1 Draft Summary Record v0.2

Habitat management, Management action sheets Lower Saxony, Renewable Energy, ad hoc Working Group Cables and Pipelines, Leeuwarden Declaration, Work plan, Ministerial Conference Declaration (MCD) and Governmental Conference (TGC)

TG-M22-2-2-TG-M 22-1-DRAFT-SummaryRecordv0.2.docx1.93 MB
TG-M 22-2 TG-M 22-2/8.2 TG-M 22-2/8.2 Marine litter for WSB 36

Draft Marine litter inventory (WSB 32) and recommendations for submission to WSB 36

TG-M22-2-8-2-WSB-36-x-tg m marine litter.docx136.6 KB
TG-M 22-2 TG-M 22-2/1 TG-M 22-2 Draft Agenda v0.2

Biodiversity, Closed areas, Renewable energy, ad hoc Working Group Cables and Pipelines, Shipping, Leeuwarden Declaration, Ministerial Conference Declaration (MCD) and Governmental Conference (TGC)

TG-M 22-2_draft_agenda_v0.2.docx106.29 KB
TG-WH 36 TG-WH 36-1 TG-WH 36-1 Draft Agenda TG-WH 36-1-draft agenda-(2022-04-04).pdf130.97 KB
TG-WH 35 TG-WH 35-SR TG-WH 35-Summary Record

Summary Record

TG-WH 35-Draft-Summary-Record-2022-03-09.docx120.27 KB
WSB 35 WSB 35/7/3 WSB 35/7/3 WSF on shipping projects

Wadden Sea Forum, Wadden Sea Team, Shipping, Ports

WSB-35-7-3 WSF-shipping.pdf454.49 KB
WSB 35 WSB-35/5.1/1 TG-WH Progress Report

Task Group World Heritage, Periodic Reporting, World Heritage Strategy, Marine Site Managers Conference

WSB-35-5-1-1-TG-WH-Progress-Report.pdf191.36 KB
WSB 35 WSB 35/7/2 Call for Action WST

2022 Call for Action, WST, Conference Wilhelsmhaven

WSB 35-7-2-WST Call for Action.pdf621.82 KB
WSB 35 WSB 35/2 WSB 35 Draft Agenda

Draft annotated agenda WSB 35 10 March 2022

WSB-35-1_WSB 35 Draft annotated agenda.pdf183.4 KB
WSB 34 WSB 34/0 WSB 34 Adopted Summary Record

18 November 2021, Online Meeting

WSB-35-3-WSB34_summary_record.pdf267.38 KB
WSB 35 WSB 35/5.1/2 SIMP progress report

single integrated management plan (SIMP), site manager, fisheries, shipping, tourism, coastal flood defence and protection, energy, Task Group World Heritage

WSB 35-5-1-2 SIMP progress report.pdf6.11 MB
WSB 35 WSB 35/4/1 Announcements by CWSS

Environmental education and youth engagement, Yellow Sea Cooperation, Media review 2021

WSB-35-4-Announcements by CWSS.pdf263.24 KB
WSB 35 WSB-35/5.3 TG-MA Progress Report

Task Group Monitoring and Assessment, TG-MA, Expert Group Data, EG-Data, Trilateral Monitoring and Assessment Programme, TMAP, Quality Status Report, QSR, data handling

WSB-35-5-3-TG-MA Progress Report.pdf594.12 KB
WSB 35 WSB 35/7/1 Advice Dutch NGOs and harbours on shipping and PSSA

WST, Dutch NGOs, Harbours, Ports, Shipping, PSSA, Advice, Omgevingsberaad

WSB-35-5-7-1 Advice Dutch NGO's and harbours on PSSA and shipping.pdf113.15 KB
WSB 35 WSB 35/5.2 TG-M Progress Report

Flyway & Breeding Birds, Fish targets / Swimway, Wardening & management, Seal Management Plan, Harbour porpoises, Alien species, Sustainable fisheries, Marine litter, Energy, Ports and Shipping, Natura 2000 roof report, Single integrated management plan (SIMP), Quality Status Report (QSR), ad hoc WG Cables and Pipelines

WSB-35-5-2-TG-M-Progress-Report.pdf208.89 KB
EG-C 12 EG-C 12/5.2 EG-C 12/5.2 Storybook

Trilateral Governmental Conference (TGC) side event, climate change

EG-C12-5-2-storybook-corrected.docx110.04 KB
EG-Swimway 21-1 EG-Swimway 21-1 EG-Swimway 21-1 Final summary record

First meeting/new group, SWIMWAY overview, SWIMWAY vision and action programme,Quality Status Report (QSR), Roadmap

EG-Swimway 21-1-final-summary-record v1.0.docx132.55 KB
EG-C 12 EG-C 12 EG-C 12 Draft summary record Eg-C11

Trilateral Monitoring and Assessment Programme (TMAP) & Quality Status Report (QSR), Trilateral Governmental Conference and Ministerial Declaration side event,

EG-C12-2-Draft-SR-EG-C11v0.3.docx774.13 KB
EG-Swimway 22-1 EG-Swimway 22-1/7 EG-Swimway 22-1 TGC side event

Side event Trilateral Governmental Conference (TGC)

EG-Swimway22-1-7-TGC-side-event.docx133.77 KB
EG-Swimway 22-1 EG-Swimway 22-1/1 EG-Swimway 22-1 Draft Agenda

SWIMWAY vision and action programme, Fisheries, Roadmap, Trilateral Governmental Conference (TGC) 2022 side event

EG-Swimway-22-1_draft_agendav0.2.docx103.92 KB
EG-C 12 EG-C 12/5 EG-C 12 TGC side event

Side event Trilateral Governmental Conference (TGC)

EG-C12-5-TGC-side-event.docx133.11 KB
EG-Swimway 22-1 EG-Swimway 22-1/5 EG-Swimway 22-1 Fisheries

Fisheries, SWIMWAY Vision Action Programme, Leeuwarden Declaration

EG-Swimway22-1-5 Fisheries.docx116.79 KB
EG-C 12 EG-C 12/2 EG-C 12 Draft Agenda v0.2

Work Plan 2022 - 2026, Trilateral Governmental Conference (TGC) side event, Climate Vulnerability Index (CVI)

EG-C 12_draft_agendav0.2.docx102.72 KB
EG-Swimway 22-1 EG-Swimway 22-1/2 EG-Swimway 22-1 Draft summary record 21-1

First meeting/new group, SWIMWAY overview, SWIMWAY vision and action programme,Quality Status Report (QSR), Roadmap

EG-Swimway 21-1-draft-summary-record v0.3.docx135.67 KB
EG-C 12 EG-C 12/6 EG-C 12 CVI 2 workshop report

Climate Vulnerability Index (CVI), Community vulnerability, Workshop

EG-C12-6-CVI2-report.docx8.71 MB
TG-WH 35 TG-WH 35-3 TG-WH 35-3 Announcements CWSS

Ad hoc working group cables, Flyway Youth Forum 2021, Marine Site Managers Conference 2023, Trilateral Youth Conference 2022, IWSS, UNESCO Schools' project

TG-WH 35-3-announcements-CWSS-(2022-01-20).docx57.81 KB
TG-M 21-5 TG-M 21-5 TG-M 21-5 Final summary record v1.0

International Scientific Wadden Sea Symposium (ISWSS), Ministerial Conference Declaration (MCD)

TG-M21-5-FINAL-SummaryRecordv1.0.docx125.12 KB
TG-M 22-1 TG-M 22-1/6 TG-M 22-1/6 TG-M work plan 2022

Activities TG-M 2022, Leuwarden Declaration

TG-M22-1-6_LD_workplan .docx121.98 KB
TG-M 22-1 TG-M 22-1/7 TG-M 22-1/7 Ministerial Council Declaration

Ministerial Council Declaration

TG-M22-1-7_MCD.docx112.58 KB
TG-WH 35 TG-WH 35-3 TG-WH 35-4 SIMP Meeting document


TG-WH 35-4 SIMP meeting document (17-01-2022).docx8.79 MB
TG-WH-34 TG-WH 34 TG-WH 34 Draft Summary Record

Summary Record

TG-WH 34-Draft-Summary-Record-2022-01-14.docx114.79 KB
TG-WH 35 TG-WH 35-6 TG-WH 35-6 World Heritage Strategy

World Heritage Strategy, Review

TG-WH 35-6-WH-Strategy-CWSS-(2022-01-14).docx157.23 KB
TG-M 22-1 TG-M 22-1/1 TG-M 22-1 Draft agenda

Habitat management, Renewable Energy, Work plan, Ministerial Conference Declaration (MCD), Trilateral Governmental Conference (TGC)

TG-M 22-1_draft_agenda_v0.2.docx107.2 KB
TG-M 22-1 TG-M 22-1/2 TG-M 22-1/2 Draft summary record TG-M 21-5

International Scientific Wadden Sea Symposium (ISWSS, work plan TG-M 2021/22, Ministerial Conference Declaration (MCD), Trilateral Governmental Conference (TGC)

TG-M22-1-2-TG-M 21-5-DRAFT-SummaryRecordv0.2.docx131.98 KB
TG-M 22-1 TG-M 22-1/5 TG-M 22-1/5 draft ToR ad hoc WG cables and pipelines

Terms of Reference, ad hoc Working Group Cables and Pipelines

TG-M22-1-4-draft_TOR_ad_hoc_cables_pipelines.docx113.98 KB
TG-WH 35 TG-WH 35-1 TG-WH 35-1 Draft Agenda

Draft Agenda

TG-WH 35-1-draft agenda-(20211-01-27).docx55.72 KB
TG-M 21-5 TG-M 21-5/5 TG-M 21-5/5 Energy proposal

Ad hoc Working Group Renewable Energy, Leeuwarden Declaration

TG-M 21-5-5 Energy Proposal.docx50.95 KB
TG-M 21-4 TG-M 21-4 TG-M 21-4 Final summary record TG-M21-4-SummaryRecordv1.0.docx212.29 KB
TG-M 21-5 TG-M 21-5/2 EG-C 11/2 Final draft summary record

Wadden Sea Board (WSB) 33 climate presentation, single integrated management plan (SIMP, work plan, Trilateral Monitoring and Assessment Programme (TMAP) & Quality Status Report (QSR)

EG-C11-2-Draft-SR-EG-C10.docx170.02 KB
TG-M 21-5 TG-M 21-5/2 TG-M 21-5/2 TG-M 21-4 final draft summary record

Leeuwarden Declaration, shipping, working approach sustainable fisheries, work plan TG-M 2021/22

TG-M21-5-2-TG-M21-4-SummaryRecordv1.0.docx220.79 KB
EG-C 11 EG-C 11/5 EG-C 11/5 Consultation PAR MCD TGC 2022

Climate, Policy Assessment Review (PAR), Ministerial Conference Declaration (MCD), Trilateral Governmental Conference (TGC) 2022

EG-C 11-5-consultation-PAR-MCD-TGC22.docx130.64 KB
EG-C 11 EG-C 11/1 EG-C 11 Draft agenda v0.2 EG-C 11_draft_agendav0.2.docx102.14 KB
TG-M 21-5/ TG-M 21-5/4 TG-M 21-5/4 ISWSS recommendations

International Wadden Sea Symposium (ISWSS) recommendations

TG-M21-5-4-ISWSS-Recommendations.pdf619.84 KB
TG-M 21-5 TG-M 21-5/6 TG-M 21-5 MCD TGC

Ministerial Conference Declaration (MCD), Trilateral Governmental Conference (TGC) 2022

TG-M21-5-6-MCD-TGC.docx113.3 KB
TG-M 21-5 TG-M 21-5/1 TG-M 21-5 Draft agenda v0.3 TG-M 21-5_draft_agenda_v0.3.docx106.54 KB
TG-WH-34 TG-WH 34-3 TG-WH 34-3 Announcements ISWSS

International Scientific Wadden Sea Symposium

TG-WH 34-3-Announcements ISWSS.docx105.55 KB
TG-WH-34 TG-WH 34-4 TG-WH 34-4 SIMP meeting document

SIMP draft document

TG-WH 34-4 SIMP meeting document (2021-12-6).docx224.97 KB
TG-WH-34 TG-WH 34-1 TG-WH 34-1 Draft Agenda

Draft Agenda

TG-WH 34-1-draft agenda-(2021-11-30)-rev.docx56.05 KB
WSB 33 WSB 33/0 WSB 33 Adopted Summary Record

27 August 2021, Wilhelmshaven, Germany

WSB-34-3-WSB 33 Summary Record.pdf320.44 KB
EG-Swimway 21-1 EG-Swimway 21-1/1 EG-Swimway 21-1 Draft agenda v0.2

SWIMWAY trilateral, SWIMWAY vision and action programme, Quality Status Report (QSR), Roadmap,

EG-Swimway-21-1_draft_agendav0.2.docx104.21 KB
EG-Swimway 21-1 EG-Swimway 21-1/4 EG-Swimway 21-1/4 Inventory SWIMWAY projects and initiatives - living document

Projects of pillars SWIMWAY Vision Action Programme

EG-Swimway21-1-4-Inventory projects and initiatives Swimway-living document.xlsx64.17 KB
EG-Swimway 21-1 EG-Swimway 21-1/6 EG-Swimway 21-1/6 Roadmap 2021/22


EG-Swimway21-1-6-Roadmap 2021-22.xlsx43.58 KB
EG-Swimway 21-1 EG-Swimway 21-1/3 EG-Swimway 21-1/3 Trilateral overview

Organisational structure TWSC and expert groups, Terms of Reference (ToR)

EG-Swimway21-1-3-Trilateral overview.docx179 KB
EG-Swimway 21-1 EG-Swimway 21-1/4 EG-Swimway 21-1/4 Project inventory - living document

Swimway projects

EG-Swimway21-1-4-Inventory projects and initiatives Swimway-living document.xlsx64.17 KB
WSB 34 WSB 34/5.1/3 NG-ST progress report

NG-ST, sustainable tourism, action plan, Sustainable Tourism Strategy

WSB-34-5-1-3-NG-ST progress_report.pdf127.94 KB
WSB 34 WSB 34/7/2 Letter of the Trilateral Wadden Sea Ports

Trilateral Wadden Sea  Ports

WSB-34-7-2 Letter of the Trilateral Wadden Sea Ports.pdf189.62 KB
WSB 34 WSB-34/5.1/1 Progress report of the SIMP

SIMP, single integrated management plan, site manager

WSB-34-5-1-1-Progress report of the SIMP.pdf78.15 KB
WSB 34 WSB 34/7/1 Progress report of the DG-MCD

Progress report on Ministerial Council Declaration Wilhelmshaven

WSB-34-7-1 Progress report of the DG-MCD.pdf424.38 KB
WSB 34 WSB 34/5.3 TG MA progress report

Trilateral Monitoring and Assessment Programme, TMAP,  Qualtiy Status Report, QSR, Single integrated management plan, SIMP

WSB-34-5-3-tg ma progress report.pdf89.27 KB
WSB 34 WSB 34/5.2 TG-M progress report

Flyway & Breeding Birds, Fish targets / Swimway, Wardening & management, Seal Management Plan, Harbour porpoises, Alien species, Sustainable fisheries, Marine litter,  Energy, Ports and Shipping, Shipping safety, Natura 2000 roof report, Single integrated management plan (SIMP), Quality Status Report (QSR)

WSB-34-5-2-tg m progress report.pdf170.03 KB
WSB 34 WSB 34/1 WSB 34 Final Draft annotated agenda

Agenda Wadden Sea Board Meeting 34

WSB-34-1_WSB 34 Final Draft annotated agenda.pdf193 KB
WSB 34 WSB 34/6/1 OPteamPH progress Report

Opteam, Partnership hub, trilateral partnership hub

WSB-34-6-1-OPteamPH progress_report28-10-21.pdf137.01 KB
NG-ST 27 NG-ST 27/3/2 NG-ST 27 Announcements - Lower Saxony

NG-ST, Tourism, Announcements, Lower Saxony

NG-ST-27_activities NLPV.docx18.11 KB
EG-C 9 EG-C 9 EG-C 9 Final summary record FINAL-SR-EG-C9 v1.0.docx1.49 MB
NG-ST 27 NG-ST 27/4/1 NG-ST 27 Overview on planned or ongoing regional WH activities in Schleswig-Holstein

NG-ST, Tourism, Schleswig-Holstein

NG ST 2021 Current Projects SH_final.pptx9.33 MB
NG-ST 27 NG-ST 28/1/1 NG-ST 27 Draft Final minutes

NG-ST, Tourism, Minutes

NG-ST-27 final draft-minutes _21-10-22.docx1.47 MB
NG-ST 27 NG-ST 27/3/1 NG-ST 27 Announcements - Schleswig-Holstein

NG-ST, Tourism, Announcements, Schleswig-Holstein

NG-ST-27_activities LKN-SH.docx72.89 KB
EG-C EG-C 10/2 EG-C 10 Draft summary record EG-C 9

Building with Nature Interreg project finalised (BwN), Climate Vulnerability Index (CV) Community Vulnerability, single integrated management plan (SIMP), Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) assessment matrix, work plan, Quality Status Report (QSR), Trilateral Monitoring and Assessment Programme (TMAP),

EG-C10-2-Draft-SR-EG-C9.docx1.49 MB
EG-C 10 EG-C 10/7 EG-C 10 Work plan

Work plan

EG-C10-7-work-plan.docx479.55 KB
EG-C 10 EG-C 10/4 EG-C 10 WSB 33 climate presentation

Climate presentation by chair of EG-C at WSB 33

EG-C10-4-WSB-climate-presentation.pdf1.76 MB
EG-C 10 EG-C 10/1 EG-C 10 Draft Agenda

Climate presentation WSB 33, single integrated management plan (SIMP), Work plan, Trilateral Monitoring and Assessment Programme (TMAP) & Quality Status Report (QSR)

EG-C 10_draft_agendav0.1.docx103.11 KB
EG-C 10 EG-C 10/5 EG-C 10 SIMP OUV assessment

Single integrated management plan (SIMP), Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) assessment

EG-C10-5-SIMP.docx186.52 KB
TG-;M 21-4 TG-M 21-4/7 TG-M 21-4 Draft TG-M work plan 2021/22

Draft work plan TG-M 2021-22 with timeline

TG-M21-4-7-Work plan 2021-22.xlsx56.93 KB
TG-M 21-4 TG-M 21-4/4 TG-M 21-4/4 Marine Litter in the Wadden Sea, background, legal framework and inventory of activities in the three TWSC countries and recommendations

Marine Litter in the Wadden Sea, background, legal framework and inventory of activities in the three TWSC countries and draft recommendations

TG-M21-4-4-Marine-litter.docx137.79 KB
TG-M 21-4 TG-M 21-4/1 TG-M 21-4 Agenda v0.1

Marine litter, shipping, fisheries

TG-M 21-4_draft_agenda_v0.1.docx106.15 KB
TG-M 21-4 TG-M 21-4/2 TG-M 21-4/2 Draft summary record TG-M 21-3

Danish Learning Universe “Mit Vadehav”, shipping, fisheries, single integrated management plan (SIMP), Quality Status Report (QSR), air traffic

TG-M21-4-2-TG-M21-3-SummaryRecordv1.0.docx133.6 KB
TG-M 21-4 TG-M 21-4/5 TG-M 21-4/5 Shipping safety

Shipping safety, Particularly Sensitive Sea Area (PSSA)

TG-M21-4-5-Shipping.docx184.06 KB
WG-Swimway 20-3 WG-Swimway 20-3/6.2 WG-Swimway 20-376.2 Policy statement draft

Swimway Vision Action Programme, Fish Targets, Policy statement

WG-Swimway20-3-6-2-Policy-summary.docx360.22 KB
WG-Swimway 21-1 WG-Swimway 21-1/6 WG-Swimway 21-1/6 Policy statement

Swimway Vision Action Programme, Fish Targets, Policy statement

WG-Swimway21-1-6-policy statement- wh design-draft.docx383.8 KB
WG-Swimway 20-3 WG-Swimway 20-3/3 WG-Swimway 20-3/3 Announcements

Swimway Vision Action Programme, Fish Targets

WG-Swimway20-3-3-Announcements.docx106 KB
WG-Swimway 21-1 WG-Swimway 21-1 WG-Swimway 21-1 Final summary record

Swimway Vision Action Programme, Fish Target

WG-Swimway 21-1-final-summary-record v1.1.docx127.84 KB
WG-Swimway 21-1 WG-Swimway 21-1/8.3 WG-Swimway 21-1/8.3 Final Report WG-Swimway

Swimway Vision Action Programme, Fish Targets, Final Report WG-Swimway

WG-Swimway21-1-8-3-Final report WG-Swimway.docx109.88 KB
WG-Swimway 20-3 WG-Swimway 20-3/7.1 WG-Swimway 20-3/7.1 Roadmap

Swimway Vision Action Programme, Fish Targets, Roadmap

WG-Swimway20-3-7-1-Roadmap.docx158.69 KB
WG-Swimway 21-1 WG-Swimway 21-1/8 WG-Swimway 21-1/8.1 ToR EG-Swimway

Swimway Vision Action Programme, Fish Targets, Terms of Reference Expert Group Swimway

WG-Swimway21-1-8-1-ToR EG Swimway.docx113.19 KB
WG-Swimway 20-3 WG-Swimway 20-3/6.1 WG-Swimway 20-3/6.1 Policy paper draft

Swimway Vision Action Programme, Fish Targets, Policy

WG-Swimway20-3-6-1-Policy-paper.docx3.54 MB
WG-Swimway 21-1 WG-Swimway 21-1 WG-Swimway 21-1 Draft Agenda

Swimway Vision Action Programme, Fish Targets

WG-Swimway-21-1_draft_agendav0.1.docx103.41 KB
WG-Swimway 20-3 WG-Swimway 20-3/1 WG-Swimway 20-3 Draft Agenda

Swimway Vision Action Programme, Fish Targets

WG-Swimway-20-3_draft_agendav0.4.docx101.58 KB
WG-Swimway 20-3 WG-Swimway 20-3/7.2 WG-Swimway 20-3/7.2 ToR/Constituency draft

Swimway Vision Action Programme, Fish Targets, Terms of Reference Expert Group Swimway

WG-Swimway20-3-7-2-ToR_constituency_rev.docx124.38 KB
WG-Swimway 21-1 WG-Swimway 21-1/8.2 WG-Swimway 21-1/8.2 Roadmap

Swimway Vision Action Programme, Fish Targets, Roadmap

WG-Swimway21-1-8-2-Roadmap.docx158.73 KB
WSB 33 WSB 33/5.6/1 Dutch priorities for the Wilhelmshaven Declaration

Trilateral Governmental Conference 2022, netherlands priorities for Wilhelmshaven Declaration, Policy developments in the Netherlands, Dutch Integrated Wadden Sea Management Plan, Dutch Wadden Sea Management Authority

WSB-33-6-1 Priorities for the Wilhelmshaven Declaration-the Netherlands.pdf241.85 KB
WSB 32 WSB 32/0 WSB 32 Adopted Summary Record

WSB 32 adopted summary record

WSB-33-3 WSB 32_summary_record__FINAL_DRAFT.pdf348.57 KB
WSB 33 WSB 33/5.1/2 Wadden Sea World Heritage Foundation progress report

Ad hoc WG WHF, World Heritage Foundation, Progress Report, Foundation Statutes, Endowment Transaction

WSB-33-5-1-2 WH Foundation progress.pdf157.94 KB
WSB 33 WSB 33/5.1/3 Prowad-link progress report

prowad link interreg northsea project

WSB-33-5-1-3 Prowad-link progress report.pdf148.15 KB
WSB 33 WSB 33/4/1 Announcements by CWSS

Announcements CWSS

WSB-33-4-1 Announcements by CWSS.pdf117.79 KB
WSB 33 WSB 33/2 WSB 33 Draft annotated agenda

August 27 2021 meeting agenda Wilhelmshaven

WSB-33-2 WSB 33 Draft annotated agenda.pdf204.61 KB
WSB 33 WSB 33/5.4 TG-MA Progress Report

Task Group Monitoring and Assessment, TG-MA, TMAP, Trilateral Data Handling, QSR, QSR Editorial Board, QSR Thematic Chapters

WSB-33-5-4 TG-MA Progress Report.pdf167.67 KB
WSB 33 WSB 33/7/1 WSF Progress report

Wadden Sea Forum, Green Coastal Deal Wadden Sea Region, Agriculture AEWA EGMP, Energy Transition, TrilaWatt, MediaWatt,Round Table Shipping

WSB-33-7-1 WSF progress report.pdf140.81 KB
WSB 33 WSB 33/5.1/1 Progress report of the SIMP

SIMP, progress report

WSB-33-5-1-1 Progress report of the SIMP.pdf6.06 MB
WSB 33 WSB 33/5.5/1 Letter of chair of TPC-WSR to WSB33

Letter from Bernd Scherer, chair of the Trilateral Programming Committee - Wadden Sea Research, TPC-WSR, to Karin Lochte, for WSB 33.

Trilateral Research Priorities document presented. Question on selection of proposals. NWO, BMBF, funding institutions

WSB-33-5-5-1 Letter Chair TPC-WSR to WSB 33.pdf72.91 KB
WSB 33 WSB 33/5.5/2 Trilateral Research Priorities

Trilateral Wadden Sea Research Priorities, TPC-WSR, Joint Common Call. First Call Proposal (2022-2026) WSB 33, Guiding Prnciple, OUV,

Trilateral Research Agenda, multi disciplinary approach, criteria driven selection

WSB-33-5-5-2 TPC-WSR Trilateral Research Priorities.pdf144.38 KB
WSB 33 WSB 33/5.2 TG-M progress report

Flyway & Breeding Birds, Fish targets / Swimway, Wardening & management, Seal Management Plan, Harbour porpoises, Alien species, Sustainable fisheries, Marine litter,  Energy, Ports and Shipping, Natura 2000 roof report, Single integrated management plan (SIMP), Quality Status Report (QSR), Members EG-Swimway

WSB-33-5-2-TG M progress report.pdf145.01 KB
WSB 33 WSB 33/5.3 Climate change adaptation in the Trilateral Wadden Sea Cooperation

Climate change adaptation

WSB-33-5-3 Cimate Adaptation.pdf104.93 KB
TG-WH-33 TG-WH 33 TG-WH 33-Draft Summary Record

Summary Record

TG-WH 33-Draft-Summary-Record-2021-06-23.docx113.36 KB
TG-WH-33 TG-WH 33-3-2 TG-WH 33-3-2 Announcements Lower-Saxony

Announcements Lower Saxony, Logo Use, checklist for sustainable events

TG-WH 33-3-2-Announcements-Lower-Saxony(2021-06-07).docx49.74 KB
TG-WH-33 TG-WH 33-3-1 TG-WH 33-3-1 Aannouncements CWSS

Announcements WSFI, QSR, Sediment Solutions, PROWAD Link, Staff

TG-WH 33-3-1-announcements-CWSS-(2021-06-07).docx51.77 KB
TG-WH-33 TG-WH 33-1 TG-WH 33-1 Draft Agenda

Draft Agenda

TG-WH 33-1-draft agenda-(2021-06-02).docx55.35 KB
TG-WH-33 TG-WH 33-4 TG-WH 33-4 Development of the SIMP

SIMP develiopment

TG-WH 33-4 Development of the SIMP.docx48.45 KB
TG-M 21-2 TG-M 21-2 TG-M 21-2 Final Summary Record v1.0

Leeuwarden Declaration, Work plan, Marine Litter, Swimway, Natura 2000 roof report feasibility study, sustainable fisheries, single integrated management plan (SIMP) and Quality Status Report (QSR, air traffic regulation

TG-M21-2-Final-SummaryRecordv1.0.docx127.56 KB
TG-M 21-3 TG-M 21-3/4/1 TG-M 21-3/4/1 TG-M progress report

Flyway & Breeding Birds, Fish targets / Swimway, Wardening & management, Seal Management Plan,Harbour porpoises, Alien Species, Sustainable Fisheries, Marine litter, Energy, Ports and shipping, Natura 2000 roof report, Quality Status Report, TG-M Work plan 2021/22

TG-M21-3-4-1-TG-M progress report.docx589.94 KB
TG-M-21-3 TG-M-21-3/7/1 TG-M-21-3/7/1 Single integrated management plan (SIMP) – assessment of potential impacts on OUV key values

single integrated management plan, impact matrix, Outstanding Universal Value

TG-M21-3 -7 SIMP_assessment of impacts on OUV.docx70.29 KB
TG-M 21-3 TG-M 21-3/1 TG-M 21-3 Agenda TG-M 21-3_draft_agenda_v0.3.docx106.88 KB
TG-M 21-3 TG-M 21-3/4/1 Annex 1 TG-M 21-3/4/1 Annex 1 TG-M work plan 2021/22

TG-M work plan 2021/22

TG-M21-3-4-1-Annex1-Work plan 2021-22rev.xlsx54.37 KB
TG-M 21-3 TG-M 21-3/2 TG-M 21-3/2 TG-M 21-2 summary record, v0.2

TG-M work plan, marine litter, swimway, Natura 2000 feasibility study, shipping, sustainable fisheries, single integrated management plan (SIMP) and Quality Status Report (QSR), air traffic regulation

TG-M21-3-2-SR-TG-M21-2v0.2.docx125.19 KB
TG-M 21-3 TG-M 21-3/3 TG-M 21-3/3 Announcements


TG-M21-3-3-Announcements_v0.1.docx107.19 KB
TG-M 21-3 TG-M 21-3/7/2 TG-M 21-3/7/2 QSR

Quality Status Report, Energy, Shipping, Fisheries

TG-M 21-3-7-2-QSR SK (21-05-21).docx49.46 KB
TG-M 21-3 TG-M 21-3/8 TG-M 21-3/8 Air traffic regulation

Air traffic regulation

TG-M21-3-8 air traffic regulation_inventory matrix_20210520.docx115.63 KB
EG-C 9 EG-C 9/6 EG-C 9/6 SIMP Climate change section

Single integrated management plan (SIMP), climate change

EG-C9-6 SIMP-Climate change.docx60.54 KB
EG-C 9 EG-C 9/1 EG-C 9 Draft Agenda

Interreg Building with Nature; Climate Vulnerability Index (CVI); Single Integrated Management Plan (SIMP); Work plan; Trilateral Monitoring and Assessment Programme (TMAP); Quality Status Report (QSR)

EG-C 9_draft_agendav0.2.docx116.61 KB
EG-C 9 EG-C 9/7 EG-C 9/7 Work plan

Work plan

EG-C9-7-work-plan.docx476.55 KB
EG-C 9 EG-C 9/2 EG-C 9/2 Draft summary record EG-C 8

Interreg Building with Nature; Climate Vulnerability Index (CVI); Single Integrated Management Plan (SIMP); Work plan; Trilateral Monitoring and Assessment Programme (TMAP); Quality Status Report (QSR); Danish Coastal Planner


EG-C9-2-Draft-SR-EG-C8.docx97.64 KB
NG-ST 27 NG-ST 27/1 NG-ST 27 Draft Agenda

NG-ST, Tourism, Agenda

NG-ST 27 Proposed-Draft-agenda (21-05-07).docx1.46 MB
TG-MA 21-3 TG-MA 21-3-1 TG-MA 21-3 draft agenda


TG-MA 21-3-1 draft agenda.docx54.31 KB
TG-MA 21-3 TG-MA 21-3-4-1 TMAP parameter workshop guidance

TMAP, monitoring, workshops, parameter

TG-MA 21-3-4-1 TMAP parameter workshop guidance.docx106.53 KB
WSB 31 WSB 31/0 WSB 31 Adopted Summary Record

18 June 2020, online

WSB-32-3 WSB31-ADOPTED-summary-record.pdf315.01 KB
TG-MA 21-1 TG-MA 21-1/2 Final Summary Record

summary record

TG-MA 21-1 final summary record.docx71.06 KB
TG-MA 21-2 TG-MA 21-2/4/1 v.2 TMAP workshops

TMAP,  parameter, workshop, subtidal habitats, salt marshes, dunes

TG-MA 21-2-4-1 v.2 TMAP workshops.docx123.87 KB
TG-MA 21-2 TG-MA 21-2/5/1 EB TOR after WSB 32

QSR, Editorial Board, TOR

TG-MA 21-2-5-1 EB TOR after WSB 32.docx108.27 KB
TG-MA 21-2 TG-MA 21-2/1 TG-MA 21-2 Draft Agenda


TG-MA 21-2 draft agenda.docx54.23 KB
Site managers recommendations (2019)

SIMP, site managers, key topics

Site-managers recommendation on key topics SIMP.pdf1.02 MB
NG-ST 26 NG-ST 26/2/1 Network Group Presentation-Watten-Agenda-2(1)

NG-ST, tourism, Watten-Agenda

NG-ST 26-2.1_ Network Group Presentation-Watten-Agenda-2(1).pdf5.59 MB
NG-ST 26 NG-ST 26/2/2 Presentation Project OFI _NLPV

NG-ST, Tourism, OFI, NLPV

NG-st 26-2.2_ Presentation Project OFI _NLPV.pdf2.14 MB
TG-M 21-2 TG-M 21-2/7 TG-M 21-2 SIMP draft legal database energy

Single integrated management plan (SIMP), legal database, energy

TG-M21-2-7 SIMP-legal database-energy.xlsx85.03 KB
TG-M 21-2 TG-M 21-2/8 TG-M 21-2 Air traffic regulation

Air traffic regulation

TG-M21-2-8 air traffic regulation_20210225.docx110.71 KB
TG-M 21-2 TG-M 21-2/6 TG-M 21-2 Draft status: Framework Sustainable Fisheries

Framework sustainable fisheries

TG-M21-2-6 Framework Fisheries.docx292 KB
TG-M 21-2 TG-M 21-2/2 TG-M 21-2 Draft summary record TG-M 21-1

Implementation Leeuwarden Declaration, Marine litter, Swimway Expert Group Draft Terms of Reference, Swimway policy statement, Shipping, Single integrated management plan (SIMP), Quality Status Report (QSR) fisheries and energy, OSPAR ministerial conference, Energy cables

TG-M21-2-2-SR21-1.docx973.83 KB
TG-M 21-2 TG-M 21-2/4/1 TG-M 21-2 Work plan TG-M 2021/22

TG-M work plan 2021/22

TG-M21-2-4-1-Work plan 2021-22.xlsx53.36 KB
TG-M 21-2 TG-M 21-2/4/2 TG-M 21-2 Marine litter

Marine litter inventory, Marine litter recommendations

TG-M21-2-4-2-Marine litter.docx112.69 KB
Wadden Sea Board 32 WSB-32-4 WSB 32-4 Announcements CWSS

Announcements CWSS, communication, other issues

WSB-32-4 Announcements by CWSS.pdf132.76 KB
WSB 32 WSB 32/5.6/3 IWSS Workshop Report 2020

International Wadden Sea School, IWSS workshop, environmental education

WSB-32-5-6-3-IWSS Workshop Report 2020.pdf4.59 MB
WSB 32 WSB 32/5.4 TG-MA Progress Report

TG-MA, progress report, Quality Status Report, Trilateral Monitoring and Assessment Programme, ISWSS, SIMP, workplan

WSB-32-5-4 TG-MA Progress Report.pdf374.9 KB
WSB 32 WSB 32/7 -rev.1- Annual Workplan by CWSS


WSB-32-7 -rev.1- Annual Workplan by CWSS.pdf231.57 KB
WSB 32 WSB 32/5.1/5 Report on Evaluation & Needs Assessment of the Sustainable Tourism Strategy Action Plan

Wadden Sea Bord, WSB, Tourism, NG-ST

WSB 32-5-1-5_report NG-ST.pdf286.13 KB
WSB 32 WSB 32/5.1/4 Draft Roadmap World Heritage Foundation

World Heritage, Foundation, Roadmap

WSB-32-5-1-4-Draft_Roadmap_World_Heritage_Foundation.pdf199.34 KB
WSB 32 WSB 32/5.1/2 Progress report of the single integrated management plan

SIMP, consultation phase, site managers

WSB-32-5-1-2-Progress report of the SIMP.pdf5.5 MB
WSB 32 WSB 32/9/1 Information about WSF activities

Wadden Sea Forum

WSB-32-9-1 WSF.pdf207.26 KB
WSB 32 WSB 32/5.2/4 Swimway policy statement

Swimway, Fish targets, Policy

WSB-32-5-2-4-Swimway-policy-statement.pdf522.01 KB
WSB 32 WSB 32/5.6/2 Media review 2020

Press, social media, website statistics

WSB-32-5-6-2-Media review 2020.pdf217.56 KB
WSB 32 WSB 32/5.2/5 TG-M Marine Litter inventory

Marine litter

WSB-32-5-2-5-tg m marine litter.pdf515.95 KB
WSB 32 WSB 32/5.2/1 TG-M progress report

Flyway & Breeding Birds, Fish targets / Swimway, Wardening & management, Seal Management Plan, Harbour porpoises, Alien Species, Sustainable Fisheries, Marine litter, Light Emissions, Energy, Ports and Shipping, Trilarteral Research Agenda, Natura 2000 roof report, Single integrated management plan (SIMP), Quality Status Report (QSR)

WSB-32-5-2-1-tg m progress report.pdf225 KB
WSB 32 WSB 32/8 Draft Roadmap TGC 2022

Trilateral Governmental Conference 2022

WSB-32-8 -Draft Roadmap TGC 2022.pdf197.61 KB
NG-ST 26 NG-ST 26/3/1 NG-ST 26 - Preliminary evaluation of the Wadden Sea-wide guest survey of SH

NG-ST, Tourism, Visitor Survey, Schlewsig-Holstein

NG-ST 26-3.1_NIT-GB-Wattenmeer-2020-Vorabauswertung-Sommer-Herbst-20210122.pdf511.6 KB
WSB 32 WSB 32/5.1/1 Progress Report World Heritage

World Heritage

WSB-32-5-1-1 tg wh progress report.pdf177.19 KB
WSB 32 WSB 32/5.5 Trilateral Programming Committee on Wadden Sea Research Progress Report

Research, Science, TPC-WSR

WSB-32-5-5-Progress report TPC-WSR.pdf431.56 KB
WSB 32 WSB 32/5.1/3 Prowad Link progress report

Prowad Link, Partnership Hub, Branding, Sustainable Development, entrepreneurs

WSB-32-5-1-3 prowad-link progress report.pdf139.08 KB
WSB 32 WSB 32/2 WSB 32 Draft Annotated Agenda

4 March 2021, online meeting

WSB-32-2_WSB 32 Draft annotated agenda_v11feb2021.pdf388.95 KB
WSB 32 WSB 32/5.2/3 Expert Group Swimway Draft Terms of Reference

Swimway, Fish targets, Terms of Reference

WSB-32-5-2-3-ToR EG-Swimway.pdf236.27 KB
WSB 32 WSB 32/5.3 Climate Vulnerability Index (CVI) phase 1 workshop report

Climate Change, Climate Vulnerability Index (CVI), World Heritage, Outstanding Universal Value (OUV), Risk assessment

WSB-32-5-3 climate-vulnerability-index-report-phase-1.pdf2.97 MB
WSB 32 WSB 32/5.6/1 Internal assessment of the 2012 TWSC communication strategy

2012 Communication Strategy, evaluation, revision, update

WSB-32-5-6-1-Internal evaluation communication strategy.pdf209.9 KB
WSB 32 WSB 32/5.2/2 Expert Group Seals New Terms of Reference

Seals, Marine mammels, TWSC groups, ToR, EG-Seals

WSB 32-5-2-2 EG-Seals new TOR.pdf158.6 KB
WSB 32 WSB 32/6/1 Progress Report of the Operational Team Partnership Hub

OPTeamPH, Partnership Hub

WSB-32-6-1-OPteamPH progress report.pdf319.07 KB
WSB 32 WSB 32/9/2 WST-WSF Shipping proposal

Sustainable Shipping

WSB-32-9-2-WST_WSF_Shipping_proposal_21-02-11_final.pdf287.65 KB
NG-ST 26 NG-ST 26/4/3 NG-ST 26 Announcements - Status Update SIMP / Tourism chapter

NG-ST, Announcements, SIMP, Tourism

NG-ST 26-4.3_SIMP update.docx73.96 KB
NG-ST 26 NG-ST 26/4/2 NG-ST 26 Announcements - Netherlands

NG-ST, Announcements, Tourism, World Heritage, Netherlands

NG-ST 26 - 4.1. Activities Netherlands.docx21.27 KB
EG-AS 5 EG-AS 5/5 EG-AS 5 Alien Species Programme Inventory

Alien Species, Neobiota, Monitoring programmes, Trilateral Monitoring and Assessment Programme (TMAP)

EG-AS 5-5-Alien Species Programme Inventory.xlsx44.45 KB
EG-AS 5 EG-AS 5/2rev EG-AS 5 Final Draft Summary Record EG-AS 4 rev

Alien Species, Neobiota, Invasive species, Quality Status Report (QSR), Trilateral Monitoring and Assessment Programme (TMAP), Network platform, ISWSS

EG-AS 5-2rev1 Final Draft Summary Record EG-AS 4.docx117.93 KB
NG-ST 26 NG-ST 26/4/1 NG-ST 26 Announcements - Schleswig-Holstein

Tourism, Announcements, Schleswig-Holstein, NG-ST

NG-ST 26 - 4.1. Activities NPV_LKN SH.docx69.58 KB
EG-AS 5 EG-AS 5/4 EG-AS 5 QSR thematic report alien species

Quality status report (QSR), Alien species

EG-AS 5-4 QSR.docx107.43 KB
EG-AS 5 EG-AS 5/1 EG-AS 5 Draft Agenda EG-AS 5-1 Draft agenda v0.3.docx102.79 KB
TG-M 21-1 TG-M 21-1/4/3 TG-M 21/1 Swimway policy statement

Swimway policy, fish

TG-M21-1-4-3-Swimway-policy statement_rev.docx160.07 KB
TG-M 21-1 TG-M 21-1/6/2 TG-M 21-1 QSR

QSR, shipping, fisheries, energy

TG-M21-1-6-2-QSR.docx42.97 KB
TG-M 21-1 TG-M 21-1/4/1 TG-M 21-1 TG-M progress report

Flyway & Breeding birds, Fish targets/Swimway, Wardening & management, Seal managemetn plan, Harbour porpoises, Alien species, Sustainable fisheries, Marine litter, Energy, Ports and shipping, QSR, TG-M work plan 2020


TG-M21-1-4-1-TG-M progress report_0.1.docx126.57 KB
TG-M 21-1 TG-M 21-1/5/2 TG-M 21-1 WSF round table

WSF, Round table shipping

TG-M21-1-5-2-WSF-Round-table.docx77.72 KB
TG-M 21-1 TG-M 21-1/1 TG-M 21-1 Draft Agenda

TG-M progress report, Marine litter, Swimway policy, Shipping, MSC Zoe, SIMP, QSR

TG-M 21-1_draft_agenda_v0.4.docx106.35 KB
TG-M 21-1 TG-M 21-1/4/4 TG-M 21-1 Draft Marine litter inventory Germany

Marine litter inventory

TG-M21-1-4-4-Marine litter Germany.docx68.75 KB
TG-M 21-1/ TG-M 21-1/4/2 TG-M 21-1 Marine litter

Marine litter inventory, Marine litter strategic considerations

TG-M21-1-4-2-Marine litter note (Draft v. 0.3).docx66.1 KB
TG-M 21-1 TG-M 21-1/6/1 TG-M 21-1 SIMP legal databases

SIMP, legal databases shipping and fisheries

TG-M21-1-6-1-SIMP-legal databases.docx43.55 KB
TG-M 21/1 TG-M 21/1/2rev TG-M 21/1/2rev Draft Summary Record

Flyway, Swimway Tor & policy summary, Marine litter, Shipping, SIMP, Fisheries, Legal databases

TG-M21-1-2rev-SR20-4 .docx405.42 KB
TG-M 21-1 TG-M 21-1/5-1 TG-M 21-1 MSC Zoe

Shipping, safety, MSC Zoe investigation and Minster´s response

TG-M21-1-5-1-MSC-Zoe.docx59.88 KB
TG-WH 32 TG-WH 32-6-1b TG-WH 32-6-1b-Suppl-Budget 2020-2021 TG-WH 32-6-1b-Suppl-Budget 2020-2021.xlsx25.14 KB
TG-WH 32 TG-WH 32-5-2 TG-WH 32-5-2-Reports WHC SH Windfarm TG-WH 32-5-2-Reports AE-WHC_Staeck_eng210126.docx26.77 KB
TG-WH 32 TG-WH 32-3-1 TG-WH 32-3-1 CWSS-announcements TG-WH 32-3-CWSS-announcements-(2021-01-27).doc320.5 KB
TG-WH 32 TG-WH 32-6-1a TG-WH 32-6-1a-World Heritage Supplementary Budget 2020-2021 TG-WH 32-6-1a-World Heritage Supplementary Budget 2020-2021.docx106.44 KB
TG-WH 32 TG-WH 32-4-4 TG-WH 32-4-4 Workshop report template and changes proposals SIMP template TG-WH 32-4-4 Workshop report template and changes proposals SIMP template.docx108.15 KB
TG-WH 32 TG-WH 32-4-5 TG-WH 32-4-5 Vision objectives principles and purpose TG-WH 32-4-5 Vision objectives principles and purpose.docx157.33 KB
TG-MA 21-1 TG-MA 21-1/5/1 Set-up QSR Thematic Reports 2020-22

QSR, Thematic Reports, Authors, Status

TG-MA 21-1-5-1 Set-up QSR Thematic Reports 2020-22.docx52.74 KB
TG-MA 21-1 TG-MA 21-1/5/2 QSR Editorial Board - ToRs and composition

QSR, Editorial Board, TOR

TG-MA 21-1-5-2 QSR Editorial Board - ToRs and composition.docx48.87 KB
TG-MA 21-1 TG-MA 21-1-1 TG-MA 21-1 draft agenda


TG-MA 21-1 draft agenda.docx54.3 KB
NG-ST 26 NG-ST 26/5/1 NG-ST 26 Evaluation Action Plan

Tourism, NG-ST, Action Plan, Evaluation

NG-ST 26-5-1_evaluation-action-plan.docx101.22 KB
NG-ST 26 NG-ST 26-1-1 NG-ST 25 Final Draft Minutes

Tourism, Minutes

NG-ST-25 FINAL draft-minutes_2020-10-14.docx1.48 MB
NG-ST 26 NG-ST 26/1 NG-ST 26 Draft Agenda

Tourism, NG-ST, Agenda

NG-ST 26 Proposed-Draft-agenda (21-01-14).docx1.46 MB
TG-WH 32 TG-WH 32-1 TG-WH 32-1 Draft agenda TG-WH 32-1-draft agenda-(2021-01-11).docx53.73 KB
TG-WH 32 TG-WH 32-4-2 TG-WH 32-4-2 Roadmap proposal Working with site managers TG-WH 32-4-2 Roadmap proposal Working with site managers and consultation phase.docx129.66 KB
TG-WH 32 TG-WH 32-4-3 TG-WH 32-4-3 Draft SIMP v0.3 TG-WH 32-4-3 Draft SIMP v0.3.docx9.99 MB
TG-WH 32 TG-WH 32-4-1 TG-WH 32-4-1 Development of the SIMP TG-WH 32-4-1 Development of the SIMP.docx51.68 KB
TG-WH 32 TG-WH 32-5-1 TG-WH 32-5-1-Reports to World Heritage Centre 2018 - 2020 TG-WH 32-5-1-Reports to World Heritage Centre 2018 - 2020.docx110.04 KB
WSB Online Session Nov 2020 WSB Online 3 Wadden Sea Flyway Initiative

WSB online session, 19 November 2020, presentation, Wadden Sea Flyway Initiative

wsb_online-session-2020_WSFI.pdf1.71 MB
WSB Online Session Nov 2020 WSB Online 1 Shipping activities in the TWSC

WSB online session, 19 November 2020, presentation, shipping and ports

wsb_online-session-2020_shipping-ports.pdf2.39 MB
WSB Online Session Nov 2020 WSB Online 2 SIMWAY activities

WSB online session, 19 November 2020, presentation, Swimway

wsb_online-session-2020_SWIMWAY.pdf1.91 MB
TG-WH 31 TG-WH 31-Minutes TG-WH 31 Final Minutes TG-WH 31-Draft-Summary-Record-2020-10-28-final.docx121.96 KB
TG-WH 31 TG-WH 31-4-4 TG-WH 31-4-4 SIMP Key values

SIMP, key value description

TG-WH 31-4-4-OUV key values formulation-(2020-09-23).xlsx13.02 KB
TG-WH 31 TG-WH 31-4-1 TG-WH 31-4-1 SIMP Meeting document

Single Integrated Management Plan, draft version 0.2

TG-WH 31-4-Draft SIMP version 0.2-(2020-09-23).docx8.53 MB
TG-WH 31 TG-WH 31-4-2 TG-WH 31-4-2 SIMP version 0.2

SIMP draft version 0.6

TG-WH 31-4-2_Draft SIMP version 0.2-(2020-09-23).docx8.53 MB
TG-WH 31 TG-WH 31-4-3 TG-WH 31-4-3 SIMP Chapter 6.6

SIMP Partnership

TG-WH 31-4-3_draft text for 6.6. Partnerships_as a mechanism to support management.docx21.57 KB
NG-ST 25 NG-ST 24 NG-ST 24 Final Draft Minutes

Tourism, Minutes

NG-ST-24-FINAL draft-minutes - 2019-12-16.docx1.71 MB
NG-ST 25 NG-ST 25/4/1 Summary Zoom Meeting dealing with Corona

Tourism, Corona, Minutes

20-06-19 Final draft minutes NG-ST_Zoom Meeting-Corona.docx1.48 MB
TG-WH 31 TG-WH 31-1 TG-WH 31 Draft agenda

World Heritage, Draft Agenda

TG-WH 31-1-draft agenda-(2020-09-03).docx56.77 KB
NG-ST 25 NG-ST 25/2/1 NG-ST 25/2/1 Preparatory for interactive session / World Heritage Management Plan

SIMP, World Heritage Management Plan, Tourism

NG-ST 25-2-1_preparatory material for interactive session.docx900.21 KB
NG-ST 25 NG-ST 25/2/2 NG-ST 25/2/2 Working paper / Key Values matrix

SIMP, World Heritage Management Plan, Key Values, Tourism

NG-ST 25-2-2_Key values matrix.xlsx26.22 KB
NG-ST 25 NG-ST 25/3/1 NG-ST 25/3/1 Draft Action Plan

Tourism, Action Plan, Sustainable Tourism Strategy

NG-ST 25-3-1_draft-action-plan.docx100.14 KB
NG-ST 25 NG-ST 25/1 Draft agenda NG-ST 25/1 Draft agenda

Tourism, Draft agenda,

NG-ST 25 Proposed-Draft-agenda (20-08-25).docx1.46 MB
NGE 20-1 NGE 20-1/5/1 IWSS Draft Action Plan 2020-2022

Trilateral Education Work Program, International Wadden Sea School

Draft Action Plan IWSS 2020-2022.docx28.69 KB
NGE 20-1 NGE 20-1/5/2 Project Outline What makes the Wadden Sea so valuable

Outstanding Universal Value, IWSS

200813 Outline OUV Project en v1.docx130.32 KB
NGE 20-1 NGE 20-1/1 NGE 20-1 Draft Agenda

virtual meeting 28 August 2020, IWSS

NGE 20-1 Draft Agenda.pdf126.25 KB
WH Management Plan-draft v0.1 WH Management Plan-draft v0.1.zip14.34 MB
TG-M20 Topical meeting: Sustainable Fisheries TG-M 20 Topical Meeting: Sustainable Fisheries/1 TG-M 20 Inventory on fishery activities in the Wadden Sea Conservation Area

Framework Sustainable Fisheries, Single integrated management plan (SIMP)

TG-M2020-Fisheries-1-Fisheries-inventory.docx770.16 KB
TG-M20 Topical meeting: Sustainable Fisheries TG-M 20 Topical Meeting: Sustainable Fisheries/2 TG-M 20 Framework Sustainable Fisheries: Status and recommendations

Framework Sustainable Fisheries, Single integrated management plan (SIMP)

TG-M2020-Fisheries-2-Framework-Sustainable-Fisheries-status-recommendations.docx301.62 KB
TG-M20/Topical meeting Sustainable Fisheries TG-M20/Topical meeting Sustainable Fisheries TG-M 20/topical meeting sustainable fisheries agenda, objectives, background

Framework Sustainable Fisheries, Single integrated management plan (SIMP)

TG-M2020-Fisheries-Agenda-and-purpose.docx108.32 KB
WG-SWIMWAY 20-1 WG-SWIMWAY 20-1 WG-Swimway 20-1 Final summary record

SWIMWAY Action Programme, SWIMWAY Vision, SWIMWAY projects, SWIMWAY pillar: Policies, WIMWAY pillar: Stakeholder engagement, communication and education, Trilateral Research Agenda (TRA), Citizen Science, FishExplorer, COVID-19

WG-Swimway-20-1_Summary-record_FINAL.docx130.79 KB
WSB 31 WSB 31/5.5/3 TPC-WSR Chair and members

Trilateral Programming Committee Wadden Sea Research, member list

WSB-31-5-5-3-Science Cooperation Nominees TPC-WSR.pdf184.52 KB
WG-Swimway 20-2 WG-Swimway 20-2/4 WG-Swimway 20-2/4 connected projects

SWIMWAY Vision and Action Programme, Trilateral fish targets

WG-SWIMWAY20-2-4-Projects.docx667.74 KB
WG-Swimway 20-2 WG-Swimway 20-2/1 WG-Swimway 20-2/1 Draft Agenda WG-Swimway-20-2_draft_agendav0.5.docx100.88 KB
WG-Swimway 20-2 WG-Swimway 20-2/7/2 WG-Swimway 20-2/7/2 Constituency and Terms of Reference Expert Group

SWIMWAY Vision and Action Programme, Trilateral fish targets, Terms of Reference (ToR), Group members, Transformation Expert Group

WG-SWIMWAY20-2-7-2-ToR_constituency.docx112.53 KB
WG-Swimway 20-2 WG-Swimway 20-2/7/1 WG-Swimway 20-2/7/1 Roadmap 2020

SWIMWAY, Roadmap, Fish

WG-SWIMWAY20-2-7-1-Roadmap.docx158.49 KB
WG-Swimway 20-2 WG-Swimway 20-2/6 WG-Swimway 20-2/6 monitoring report - Inventory

SWIMWAY Action Programme, SWIMWAY Vision, Monitoring inventory, Trilateral Monitoring and Assessment Programme (TMAP), Fish

WG-SWIMWAY20-2-6-Monitoring report-Inventory.xlsx48.99 KB
WSB 31 WSB 31/5.3 Progress in Climate Vulnerability Index (CVI) project

Climate Change Adaptation, Climate Vulnerability Index (CVI), Wadden Sea World Heritage, Oustanding Universal Value (OUV)

WSB-31-5-3rev climate-vulnerability-index.pdf197.46 KB
WG-Swimway 20-2 WG-Swimway 20-2/6 WG-Swimway 20-2/6 SWIMWAY monitoring report

SWIMWAY Action Programme, SWIMWAY Vision, Monitoring, Trilateral Monitoring and Assessment Programme (TMAP)

WG-SWIMWAY20-2-6-Monitoring report.docx6.34 MB
WSB 31 WSB 31/7.2 Outline Shipping project WSTeam

WSB31 Wadden Sea Team Shipping project Partnership Hub port PSSA

WSB-31-7-2-Outline_Shipping_project_WSTeam.pdf175.25 KB
WSB 31 WSB 31/5.2/1 Progress report TG-M

Flyway & breeding birds, Fish targets / SWIMWAY, Wardening & management, Seal Management Plan (SMP), Harbour porpoises, Alien species, Sustainable fisheries, Marine litter, Light emissions, Energy, Ports and shipping, Trilateral Research Agenda (TRA), Natura 2000 (N2000) roof report, Single Integrated Management Plan (SIMP), Quality Status Report (QSR), TG-M Work plan 2020

WSB-31-5-2-1-tg m progress report.pdf295.74 KB
WSB 31 WSB 31/7.1 Wadden Sea Forum Progress Report

WSB31 Wadden Sea Forum Dark Sky macroplastic climate change goose management shipping safety fisheries Partnership Centre

WSB-31-7-1-Wadden Sea Forum Progress Report.pdf165.43 KB
WSB 31 WSB 31/5.6 Cooperation with Oris

Swiss watch, Wadden Sea edition, Wadden Sea World Heritage, project sponsoring, foundation

WSB 31 WSB 31/5.2/2 WSFI IKI Project Outline Application

IKI, WSFI, East Atlantic Flyway, critical sites project applikation, climate change, migratory birds, climasate resilient flyway, terrestial marine biodiversity, BirdLife, Wetlands, PNBA, IBAP, AEWA, Arctic, West Africa

WSB-31-5-2-2-WSFI IKI project outline application.pdf444.11 KB
WSB 31 WSB 31/6 OPteamPH Progress Report WSB-31-6-OPteamPH_progress_report.pdf203.84 KB
WSB 31 WSB 31/5.5/2 TPC-WSR ToR WSB-31-5-5-2-TPC-WSR ToR.pdf185.24 KB
WSB 31 WSB 31/4.1 International Scientific Wadden Sea Symposium 2021

ISWSS, draft programm, National Park Authority Wadden Sea of Schleswig-Holstein, climate change, science, management

WSB-31-4-1-ISWSS.pdf199.68 KB
WSB 31 WSB 31/5.4/2 QSR Proposal by TG-MA

Quality Status Report

WSB-31-5-4-2-QSR proposal by TG-MA.pdf193.25 KB
WSB 30 WSB 30/0 WSB 30 Adopted Summary Record

21 November 2019, Wilhelmshaven

WSB-31-3-WSB30_DRAFT_summary_record-final version.pdf940.19 KB
WSB 31 WSB 31/2 WSB 31 draft annotated agenda

18 June 2020, virtual meeting

WSB-31-2-Draft Annotated Agenda.pdf175.13 KB
WSB 31 WSB 31/5.1/4 Trilateral Wadden Sea World Heritage Foundation_DE-proposal

18 June 2020, virtual meeting

WSB-31-5-1-4-Trilateral Wadden Sea World Heritage Foundation_DE-proposal.pdf327.88 KB
WSB 31 WSB 31/5.5/4 Wadden Sea Research 1st Prioritisation Approach WSB-31-5-5-4-Wadden Sea Research 1st Prioritisation Approach.pdf270.4 KB
WSB 31 WSB 31/5.4/1 TG-MA Progress Report

Monitoring and Assessment


WSB-31-5-4-1-TG-MA Report.pdf303.39 KB
WSB 31 WSB 31/5.1/2 SIMP Status Report

single integrated management plan, SIMP, progress report

WSB-31-5-1-2-SIMP status report.pdf2.83 MB
WSB 31 WSB 31/5.5/1 Science Cooperation TRA-RMC Progress Report WSB-31-5-5-1-Science Cooperation TRA-RMC progress report.pdf158.22 KB
WSB 31 WSB 31/4/2 Announcements by CWSS

Communication strategy, Wadden Sea Newsletter, Annual Report, leaflet, video, webinar, microsites, Yellow Sea, Korea, Bohai Sea

WSB-31-4-2-Announcements by CWSS.pdf246.97 KB
WSB 31 WSB 31/5.1/3 Prowad Link Progress Report

Protect and Prosper, project progress, extension, impacts. COVI-19

WSB-31-5-1-3-prowad-link progress report.pdf131.44 KB
WSB 31 WSB 31/5.1/1 TG-WH Progress Report

World Heritage Strategy and roadmap, State of Conservation Report, World Heritage Marine Programme, IWSS, communication, WHC project on renewbles energy

WSB-31-5-1-1-tg wh progress report.pdf125.91 KB
TG-M 20-1 TG-M 20-1 TG-M 20-1 Final Summary Record

Final Summary Record adopted in TG-M 20-2, Leeuwarden Declaration, Sustainable Fisheries, Ports and Shipping, SIMP

TG-M20-1_Final-summary record_v1.0.docx131.9 KB
TG-M 20-2 TG-M 20-2/5.1 TG-M 20-2/5.1 Leeuwarden Declaration Update

Leeuwarden Declaration, Paragraph 5 & 12: Flyway & Breeding Birds, Paragraph 13: Swimway, Paragraph 14: Wardening & management, Paragraph 15: Seal Management Plan, Paragraph 16: Harbour porpoises, Paragraph 17: Alien Species, Paragraph 21: Sustainable fisheries, Paragraph 22 - 23: Marine litter, Paragraph 29: Energy, Paragraph 30-34: Ports and shipping, Paragraph 23: N2000 roof report

TG-M20-2-5-1-LD update.docx109.06 KB
TG-M 20-2 TG-M 20-2/7.1 TG-M 20-2/7.1 Sustainable Fisheries

Framework Sustainable Fisheries

TG-M20-2-7-1-Fishery.docx356.57 KB
TG-M 20-2 TG-M 20-2/6 TG-M 20-2/6 N2000 Roof Report - Draft Feasibility Study (commented)

Natura 2000 Roof Report

TG-M20-2-6-N2000RoofReport.docx2.18 MB
EG-C 5 EG-C 5/5 EG-C 5/5 Draft CVI Workshop Report

Climate Change Vulnerability Index (CVI), World Heritage, UNESCO, Outstanding Universal Value (OUV)

EG-C5-5-CVI-Workshop-report.docx7.19 MB
TG-M 20-2 TG-M 20-2/1 TG-M 20-2 Draft Agenda TG-M 20-2_draft_agendav0.4.docx105.28 KB
TG-M 20-2 TG-M 20-2/7.2 TG-M 20-2/7.2 Blue Manifesto

Sustainable Fisheries, Nature NGO, Low Impact Fishing, Pollution, Human Activities, Restoration

TG-M20-2-7-2-BlueManifesto.docx556.42 KB
TG-M 20-2 TG-M 20-2/4 TG-M 20-2/4 Work Plan 2020

Leeuwarden Declaration

TG-M20-2-4-WorkPlan_rev.docx109.93 KB
EG-C 5 EG-C 5/6 EG-C 5/6 Draft SIMP Key Topic Coastal Defence and Protection

Single Integrated Management Plan (SIMP), Coastal Defence and Protection

EG-C5-6-SIMP-Coastal protection_v0.2.docx1.04 MB
TG-WH 30 TG-WH 30/3/4 Announcements Hamburg

To note

TG-WH 30-3-4-Announcement-Hamburg.docx106.21 KB
TG-WH 30 TG-WH 30/3/3 Announcements The Netherlands

To note

TG-WH 30-3-3-Announcement-The Netherlands.docx106.62 KB
TG-WH 30 TG-WH 30/5/3a WH Supplementary Budget 2020 (cover note)

The meeting is invited to take note respectively to comment on the status

TG-WH 30-5-3a World Heritage Supplementary Budget 2020.docx105.92 KB
TG-WH 30/3/2a Announcements Denmark

To note

TG-WH 30-3-2a-Announcement-DK.docx106.16 KB
TG-WH 30 TG-WH 30/5/1 Cooperation with Swiss watch company “Oris”

The meeting is invited to discuss proposal for cooperation with “Oris” as outlined in the document and decide on the submission of the proposal to the WSB.

TG-WH 30-5-1-Oris-Edition-2020-04-20.docx120.12 KB
TG-WH 30 TG-WH 30/1 Draft Agenda (2020-04-17)

The meeting is proposed to adopt the draft agenda.

TG-WH 30-1-draft agenda-v2(2020-04-17).docx55.75 KB
TG-WH 30 TG-WH 30/3/4a SIMP Cover note

The meeting is invited to discuss the progress reached so far and give general input to the document. The meeting is further invited to submit detailed input to the document in a written form (latest by 6 May).

TG-WH 30-4_SIMP Meeting Document (2020-04-17).docx110.39 KB
TG-WH 30 TG-WH 30/5/3b WH activities in Supplementary Budget 2020 (Excel file)

The meeting is invited to take note respectively to comment on the status

TG-WH 30-5-3b-Suppl-Budget 2020-v2.xlsx18.02 KB
TG-WH 30 TG-WH 30/3/2b Announcement Denmark NP Plan

To note

TG-WH 30 TG-WH 30/5/2 WH Logo Use overview

The meeting is invited to note the document.

TG-WH 30-5-2-WH logo use.docx116.1 KB
TG-WH 30 TG-WH 30/3/1 Announcements Schleswig-Holstein

To note

TG-WH 30-3-1-Announcement-SH-LKN-NPV.docx106.45 KB
TG-WH 30 TG-WH 30/3/4b SIMP Draft v0

To discuss / comment

TG-WH 30-4_SIMP Meeting Document (2020-04-17).docx110.39 KB
EG-C 5 EG-C 5/4 EG-C 5/4 Building with Nature

INTERREG Building with Nature (BwN), Resilient Coastal Laboratories, Climate Change Adaptation Information Platform (CCAIP)

EG-C5-4-BwN.docx368.25 KB
TG-M 19-2 TG-M 19-2 TG-M 19-2 Final Summary Record

TG-M Workplan, Leeuwarden Declaration (Flyway & Breeding birds, Swimway, Wardening & management workshop, Harbour porpoises, Alien species, Marine litter, Light emissions, Climate change, Energy, Ports and shipping, Shipping safety, Water sports, Science cooperation, N2000 roof report, Single Integrated Management Plan (SIMP), Trilateral Monitoring and Assessment Programme (TMAP), QSR, Data

TG-M 19-2 Final Summary Record v1.0.docx140.29 KB
TG-M 20 prelim TG-M 20 prelim TG-M 20-prelim Final Summary Record

Fishery, Shipping, Single Integrated Management Plan (SIMP) joint meeting TG-WH and TG-M, EG-Seals ToR, Harbour porpoises, TG-M Workplan

TG-M20-prelim-Final-Summary-Record_v1.0.docx118.62 KB
EG-C 5 EG-C 5/1 EG-C 5 Draft Agenda EG-C 5_draft_agendav0.1.docx113.25 KB
WG-Swimway 20-1 WG-Swimway 20-1/1 WG-Swimway 20-1/1 Draft Agenda

SWIMWAY Action Programme, SWIMWAY Vision, SWIMWAY projects, SWIMWAY pillar: Policies, WIMWAY pillar: Stakeholder engagement, communication and education, Trilateral Research Agenda (TRA), Citizen Science, FishExplorer

WG-Swimway-20-1_draft_agendav0.3.docx100.16 KB
WG-Swimway 20-1 WG-Swimway 20-1/5rev WG-Swimway 20-1/5rev SWIMWAY Webpage

Trilateral Fish Targets, SWIMWAY Action Programme, SWIMWAY Vision, Microsite

WG-SWIMWAY20-1-6-rev_SWIMWAY webpage.docx5.07 MB
WG-SWIMWAY 20-1 WG-SWIMWAY 20-1/2.1 WG-Swimway 19-3 Draft Summary Record

Trilateral Fish Targets, SWIMWAY Action Programme, SWIMWAY Vision, SWIMWAY projects, Sluice management, Physical bottlenecks for Wadden Sea fishes, Policy review, Monitoring and data synthesis, SWIMWAY conference, Risk assessment, risk management, SWOT, Terms of Reference SWIMWAY organisation

WG-SWIMWAY20-1-2-SR19-3.DOCX133.32 KB
WG-SWIMWAY 20-1 WG-SWIMWAY 20-1/5 WG-Swimway 20-1/5 Policy Review- Trilateral Fish Targets

Trilateral Fish Targets, SWIMWAY Action Programme, SWIMWAY Vision

WG-SWIMWAY20-1-5-Policy review.docx2.44 MB
WG-SWIMWAY 20-1 WG-SWIMWAY 20-1/4 WG-Swimway 20-1/4 Project Inventory - Cover Page

 SWIMWAY Action Programme, SWIMWAY Vision

WG-SWIMWAY20-1-4-Project inventory-cover.docx105.11 KB
WG-Swimway 20-1 WG-Swimway 20-1/4 WG-Swimway 20-1/4 Project Inventory - Cover Page

 SWIMWAY Action Programme, SWIMWAY Vision, Research and Monitoring, Policy, Measures, Communication and Education

WG-SWIMWAY20-1-4-Project inventory-Trilateral inventory projects and initiatives Swimway Wadden Sea January 2019.xlsx36.47 KB
TG-M 20-2 TG-M 20-2/2 TG-M 20-1 Draft Summary Record

Sustainable Fisheries, Ports and shipping, Energy, SIMP

TG-M20-2-2_SR20-1.docx133.81 KB
TG-M 20-2 TG-M 20-2/5.2 TG-M 20-2/5.2 Beach Cleanup

Beach Cleanup, Marine Litter, Schleswig-Holstein, National Park

TG-M20-2-5-2-Beach-cleanup.docx465.59 KB
WG-SWIMWAY 19-3 WG-SWIMWAY 19-3 WG-Swimway 19-3 FINAL Summary Record

Trilateral Fish Targets, SWIMWAY Action Programme, SWIMWAY Vision, SWIMWAY projects, Sluice management, Physical bottlenecks for Wadden Sea fishes, Policy review, Monitoring and data synthesis, SWIMWAY conference, Risk assessment, risk management, SWOT, Terms of Reference SWIMWAY organisation

WG-Swimway-19-3_Summary-record_FINAL.DOCX132.01 KB
Joint SIMP Meeting TG-WH 30/1 Joint SIMP Meeting Annotated Agenda

To adopt.

SIMP joint meeting_annotated agenda.pdf209.03 KB
Joint SIMP Meeting TG-M 20-1 Joint SIMP Meeting Annotated Agenda

To adopt.

SIMP joint meeting_annotated agenda.pdf209.03 KB
EG-C 5 EG-C 5/2.1 EG-C 4 Draft Summary Record

IPCC SROCC Report, Climate Change Vulnerability Index (CVI), Climate Change Adaptation Strategy (CCAS), INTERREG Building with Nature (BwN)

EG-C5-2-1_SR4.DOCX132.33 KB
WSB 29 WSB 29/0 WSB 29 Adopted Summary Record

19 June 2019, Vlieland

wsb_29_final_summary_record.pdf222.69 KB
EG-C 4 EG-C 4 EG-C 4 Final Summary Record

IPCC SROCC Report, Climate Change Vulnerability Index (CVI), Climate Change Adaptation Strategy (CCAS), INTERREG Building with Nature (BwN)

EG-C4-SR4_FINAL.docx144.42 KB
WSB 30 WSB 30/5.8/3 TG-M proposal on WSF Shipping Group

Wadden Sea Forum, MSC Zoe, DenGerNeth-MARAD

WSB30 5.8-3_tg-m_on_wsf_shipping group.pdf96.88 KB
WSB 30 WSB 30/2/1 WSB 30 Draft Annotated Agenda

21 November 2019, Wilhelmshaven

WSB30 draft annotaded agenda v2 08-11-2019.pdf134.78 KB
WSB 30 WSB 30/5.2/1 TG-M progress report

Flyway & Breeding Birds, Fish targets/ Swimway, Wardening & management, Seal Management Plan, Harbour porpoises, Alien Species, Salt Marshes, Sustainable Fisheries, Marine litter, Light Emissions, Ports & shipping, Trilateral Research Agenda, Natura 2000 roof report, SIMP, QSR, work plan

WSB30 5.2-1_tg-m_report.pdf576.54 KB
WSB 30 WSB 30/5.5 TG-M on Dutch note-Operational Plan Shipping

Shipping safety, Management

WSB30 5.5_tg-m_on_dutch_proposal.pdf362.72 KB
WSB 30 WSB 30/5.7 Science Cooperation TRA-RMC

Trilateral Research Agenda Road Map Committee, TOR, Terms of Reference

WSB30 5.7 Science Cooperation TRA-RMC.pdf275.78 KB
WSB 30 WSB 30/5.1/3 PROWAD LINK Progress Report

Launch event, ITB, Partnership Hub, anniversary, brand activation, SMEs

WSB30 5.1-3 prowad-link progress report.pdf161.75 KB
WSB 30 WSB 30/5.10/1 Anniversary Evaluation

Anniversary, Bike tour, Wilhelmshaven, anniversary events

WSB30 5.10-1 anniversary evaluation.pdf174.21 KB
WSB 30 WSB 30/5.11 MoU Partnerships signed

Partnership Hub, Memorandum of Understanding

WSB30 5.11 opteamph - annex 19-10-25 mou signed.pdf1.83 MB
WSB 30 WSB 30/5.1/1 TG-WH progress report

State of Conservation, Esbjerg harbour, WH strategy/ roadmap, WH Marine Programme, renewable energy

WSB30 5.1-1 tg wh progress report.pdf158.49 KB
WSB 30 WSB 30/5.4 Climate (CVI, SCOCC progress report)

Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (SROCC), IPCC, Climate Change Vulnerability Index (CVI)

WSB30 5.4 climate.pdf127.63 KB
WSB 30 WSB 30/5.10/5 ITB Intro Steering Group Concept 2020

International Tourism Fair, Berlin, Sustainable Tourism, NG-ST

WSB30 5.10-5 itb introduction steering group concept for 2020.pdf161.94 KB
WSB 30 WSB 30/5.8/1 WSF Water Management

Wadden Sea Forum, climate change adaptation, surface water management, marsh

WSB30 5.8-1 wsf water management.pdf1005.39 KB
WSB 30 WSB 30/5.10/2 Update Website Re-Launch

Website merger, launch, log-in area, access

WSB30 5.10-2 update website re-launch.pdf132.63 KB
WSB 30 WSB 30/5.1/2 SIMP status report

Single Integrated Management Plan, site-managers’ interviews and workshop, key topics, preliminary structure

WSB30 5.1-2 simp status report.pdf321.63 KB
WSB 30 WSB 30/5.9 Status Yellow Sea

Yellow Sea, PR China, DPRK North Korea, ROK South Korea, International Cooperation, IUCN, East-Asian-Australasian Flyway Partnership

WSB30 5.9 status yellow sea.pdf156.07 KB
WSB 30 WSB 30/5.11 Progress Report of the OPTeamPH

Anniversary, Memorandum of Understanding, Partnership Hub

WSB30 5.11 opteamph 12 progress report.pdf193.3 KB
WSB 30 WSB 30/5.2/2 WSFI Activities

Wadden Sea Flyway Initiative, International Climate Initiative (IKI), Arctic workshop in Yamal

WSB30 5.2-2 wsfi activities.pdf120.58 KB
WSB 30 WSB 30/5.8/2 WSF Shipping Group

Wadden Sea Forum, shipping group

WSB30 5.8-2 ws shipping group.pdf136.03 KB
WSB 30 WSB 30/5.10/3 Press Review 2019

Press coverage

WSB30 5.10-3 press review 2019.pdf154.85 KB
TG-WH 29 TG-WH 29/3/3 Announcements from Lower Saxony

To note.

TG-WH 29-3-3-20191010Announcements from Lower Saxony.docx12.18 KB
TG-WH 29 TG-WH 30/2 Draft Summary Record for Chair TG-WH 29

To adopt.

TG-WH 29-Draft-Summary.docx128.96 KB
TG-WH 29 TG-WH 29/4/1 Development of the World Heritage Management Plan

To prioritize key aspects and discuss the plan.

TG-WH 29-4-SIMP_key aspects_final.docx3.23 MB
TG-WH 29 TG-WH 29/7/1 DRAFT World Heritage Supplementary Budget 2020

To comment as appropriate.

TG-WH 29-7-Draft WH-Supplementary-Budget-2020.doc130 KB
TG-WH 29 TG-WH 29/3/2 Status World Heritage Yellow Sea

To note.

TG-WH 29-3-2-WH-Yellow-Sea-(2019-10-01)_0.doc84 KB
TG-WH 29 TG-WH 29/3/1 Management and Action Plan for Aliens Species (MAPAS)

To note the submission to the World Heritage Centre.

TG-WH 29-3-1-MAPAS-(2019-09-30)_0.pdf1.7 MB
TG-WH 26 TG-WH 26/2 Draft Summary Record TG-WH 25

To adopt.

TG-WH-25-Final-Draft-Summary-Record-2019-09-24.docx74.63 KB
TG-WH 29 TG-WH 29/2 Draft Summary Record TG WH-28

To be adopted.

TG-WH 28-Final-Draft-Summary-Record.docx45.62 KB
WSB 29 WSB 29/5.2/3 Note TG-MA

Monitoring and Assessment

wsb_29-5-2-3_note_tg-ma.pdf37.08 KB
WSB 29 WSB 29/5.2/1 TG-M progress report

Flyway & Breeding Birds, Fish targets/ Swimway, Wardening & management, Seal Management Plan, Harbour porpoises, Marine litter, Light Emissions, Energy, Ports & shipping, Trilateral Research Agenda, N2000 Roof Report, SIMP, Sustainable fisheries

wsb_29-5-2-1_report_tg-m.pdf180.55 KB
WSB 29 WSB 29/5.5/1 Shipping Safety


wsb-29-5-5-1_shipping_safety.pdf791.16 KB
WSB 29 WSB 29/5.10/2 Trilateral Education Work Programme

IWSS, education, NG-E

wsb-29-5-10-2-trilateral_education_work_programme.pdf355.91 KB
WSB 29 WSB 29/5.2/2 Harbour porpoise workshop report

Wilhelmshaven, scientific symposium, ASCOBANS, EG-Seals

wsb_29-5-2-2_harbour_porpoise_workshop.pdf209.92 KB
WSB 29 WSB 29/5.1/1 Development of the Single Integrated Management Plan


wsb-29-5-1-1-simp_status_report.pdf415.3 KB
WSB 29 WSB 29/5.10/1 Proposal for IWSS Continuation

WWF, education

wsb-29-5-10-1-proposal_for_iwss_continuation.pdf191.54 KB
WSB 29 WSB 29/5.11/1 Progress Report of the OP Team PH

Operational Team Partnership Hub, Memorandum of Understanding, anniversary, signing ceremony

wsb_29-5-11-1-op_team_ph10_progress_report.pdf290.01 KB
WSB 29 WSB 29/5.9/1 Cooperation with Yellow Sea countries

China, Korea, international cooperation

wsb-29-5-9-1-yellowsea.pdf169.82 KB
WSB 28 WSB 28/0 WSB 28 Adopted Summary Record

14 March 2019, Berlin

wsb_28_final_summary_record.pdf267.95 KB
WSB 29 WSB 29/2/1 WSB 29 Draft Annotated Agenda

18-19 June 2019, Vlieland

wsb_29_draft_annotated_agenda_130519.pdf58.08 KB
WSB 28 WSB 28/2/1 WSB 28 Draft Annotated Agenda

14 March 2019, Berlin, Germany

wsb_28_draft_annotated_agenda_rev-2.pdf42.36 KB
WSB 28 WSB 28/7.1/3 TWSC Workplan 2019-2022

TWSC review process, CWSS work plan

WSB-28-7-1-3_draft_TWSC_Workplan_2019-22.pdf263.94 KB
WSB 28 WSB 28/7.1/1 TOR TWSC groups

Terms of Reference, TWSC review process

WSB-28-7-1-1_TWSC_TOR_of_groups.pdf291.82 KB
WSB 28 WSB 28/7.1/4 TWSC Priorities List 2019

TWSC review process, CWSS

WSB-28-7-1-4_TWSC_List_of_prorities.pdf132.64 KB
WSB 28 WSB 28/7.1/2 Lists of members of TWSC groups

TWSC review process

WSB-28-7-1-2_TWSC_group_members.pdf129.13 KB
WSB 28 WSB 28/5.1/3 TG-STS Progress Report

Sustainable Tourism Strategy & Action Plan 2018-2022, TWSC Review Process

WSB-28-5-1-3-TG-STS Progress Report.pdf166.48 KB
WSB 28 WSB 28/5.2/2 Swimway Action Programme

Final draft

wsb-28-5-2-2_swimway_action_programme.pdf947.07 KB
WSB 28 WSB 28/5.2/1 Report TG-MM

Task Group Management and Monitoring, Flyway & Breeding Birds, Fish targets, Wardening & management, Harbour porpoises, Alien Species, TMAP, QSR & Data Handling, Sustainable Fisheries, Ports and shipping, Trilateral Research Agenda, N2000 Roof Report

wsb_28-5-2-1_report_tg-mm.pdf103.68 KB
WSB 27 WSB 27/0 WSB 27 Adopted Summary Record

13 November 2018, Copenhagen

wsb-27-final_draft_summary_record.pdf193.8 KB
WSB 28 WSB 28/5.10/4 Update website re-launch

CWSS and WSWH websites, merger, anniversary page

WSB-28-5-4-Update website re-launch.pdf178.36 KB
WSB 28 WSB 28/5.9/3 Arctic Migratory Bird Initiative (AMBI)

Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF), Arctic Council, Wadden Sea Flyway Initiative (WSFI)

WSB-28-5-9-3-AMBI_memo.pdf259.18 KB
WSB 28 WSB 28/5.2/3 Management and Action Plan for Alien Species (MAPAS)

Final draft

WSB-28-5-2-3- MAPAS.pdf1.55 MB
WSB 28 WSB 28/5.10/3 10th anniversary celebration – information to the Board

Bike Tour, event series

wsb-28-5-3-10th anniversary celebration.pdf414.89 KB
WSB 28 WSB 28/5.1/1 TG-WH Progress Report

MSC Zoe, Glory Amsterdam, houting, Esbjerg harbour, World Heritage Strategy and Road Map, Anniversary, Marine Litter

WSB-28-5-1-1-TG-WH-progress_report.pdf243.48 KB
WSB 28 WSB 28/5.1/2 Development of the Single Integrated Management Plan

WH workshop, Preliminary structure, timeline

WSB-28-5-1-2-Status Report SIMP.pdf532.63 KB
WSB 28 WSB 28/5.4/2 Development of a Climate Change Vulnerability Index (CVI)

ARC Centre for Coral Reef Studies, James Cook University, Outstanding Universal Value, climate change, assessment

WSB-28-5-4-2-CVI_proposal.pdf5.93 MB
WSB 28 WSB 28/5.4/1 TG-C progress report

Climate change Vulnerability Index (CVI), Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (SROCC), Building with Nature

WSB28_5-4-1_TG-C_progress_report.pdf127.02 KB
WSB 28 WSB 28/5.9/2 MOU PNBA Mauritania

MoU Mauritania draft action plan, Parc National Banc d’Arguin

WSB-28-5-9-2-MOU_PNBA_Mauritania.pdf152.65 KB
WSB 28 WSB 28/5.7/1 Trilateral Research Agenda – Joint Paper TG-MM and TG-WH

TG World Heritage & TG Management and Monitoring on TRA

WSB 28-5-7-1-TRA joint document-2019-02-15.pdf188.81 KB
WSB 28 WSB 28/5.10/1 IWSS Annual Report 2018

IWSS activities in 2018, cooperation contract with WWF, education

WSB 28-5-10-1 IWSS Annual Report.pdf411.79 KB
WSB 28 WSB 28/5.9/1 Cooperation with other WH sites

Future potential and added value of cooperation

WSB-28-5-9-1-Cooperation-WH-sites-Revised.pdf197 KB
WSB 28 WSB 28/5.10/2 IWSS Workshop Report 2018

Lauwersoog & Pieterburen, Netherlands, 5-7 November 2018

WSB 28-5-10-2 IWSS Workshop Report.pdf1.52 MB
WSB 28 WSB 28/6.1/1 Progress Report of the OPTeamPH

Operational Team Partnership Hub, Terms of Reference, Leeuwarden Conference

WSB-28-6-1-1-OP Team PH8 Progress Report.pdf174.94 KB
WSB 28 WSB 28/1/1 WSB 28 Invitation

13-14 March 2019, Berlin

L19-02 WSB 28 Invitation 2019-02-19revised.docx94.7 KB
TG-WH 26 TG-WH 26/5/2 Input on SIMP development

To take into consideration.

TG-WH 26-5-2-WWF-Input-SIMP.pdf374.22 KB
WSB 28 WSB 28/4.2/1 Danish representation on WSB

Danish representatives to Wadden Sea Team, Christian Bruhn Rieper

WSB 28-4-2-1 Danish representation on WSB rev1.pdf93.72 KB
TG-WH 26 TG-WH 26/7/5 Overview WSWH Logo Use 2018

Wadden Sea World Heritage Logo

TG-WH 26-7-5-Overview-Logo-Use-2018.docx67.35 KB
TG-WH 26 TG-WH 26/4/1 SoC request cargo vessel MSC Zoe

To discuss how to proceed in preparing of a joint respond.

TG-WH 26-4-Soc-Request-Container-Vessel.docx54.63 KB
WSB 28 WSB 28/5.5/1 Wadden Sea Container spill

MSC Zoe, World Heritage Centre letter

WSB 28-5-5-1 Ref11362_DE_NL_WS_C_spill_190111_0.pdf159.48 KB
TG-WH 26 TG-WH 26/6/1 Development of a Climate Change Vulnerability Index (CVI)

To comment before submission to WSB.

TG-WH 26-6-1-WSB28_CVI_proposal_v0.3.docx88.16 KB
TG-WH 26 TG-WH 26/7/3 10th Anniversary Wadden Sea World Heritage

To note.

TG-WH 26-7-3-10th anniversary guide.docx1.02 MB
TG-WH 26 TG-WH 26/7/2 WH Logo application Windmill Film

To note, consider concerns and endorse.

TG-WH 26-7-2-Silence of the tides film-final.docx52.73 KB
TG-WH 26 TG-WH 26/5/1 Development of the World Heritage Management Plan

To hold an interactive discussion.

TG-WH 26-5-1-Input for discussion SIMP.docx57.33 KB
TG-WH 26 TG-WH 26/1 Proposed Draft Agenda TG-WH 26

To adopt.

TG-WH 26-1-draft agenda-v2(2018-12-14).doc85.5 KB
TG-WH 26 TG-WH 26/7/1 Workshop Marine Litter and World Heritage Sites

To note and comment as appropriate.

TG-WH 26-7-1 Marine Litter Workshop.docx218.69 KB
WSB 27 WSB 27/5.1/5 Prowad Link presentation

Interreg, sustainable growth, protect & prosper

WSB-27-5.1-5-PROWAD-LINK-Overview-2018-11-05.pdf1.14 MB
WSB 27 WSB 27/5.9/3 WSFI Arctic workshop and initiative

East Atlantic Flyway, Wadden Sea Flyway Initiative (WSFI)

wsb-27-5.9-3-WSFI Arctic cooperation.pdf144.48 KB
WSB 27 WSB 27/5.2/1 Report TG-MM

Fish targets, Harbour porpoises, Sustainable Fisheries, Quality Status Report, N2000 roof report

WSB 27-5-2-1 Report TG-MM.pdf94.72 KB
WSB 27 WSB 27/5.10/3 Press review 2018

TWSC-related press, Leeuwarden Conference

WSB-27-5-10-3-Press review.pdf214.19 KB
WSB 27 WSB 27/5.1/3b Climate Vulnerability Index (CVI) Shark Bay

Shark Bay World Heritage Area (Western Australia), climate change, ARC

WSB 27-5-1-3b_CVI.PDF587.59 KB
WSB 27 WSB 27/5.1/4 TG-STS Progress Report

Sustainable tourism

WSB-27-5.1-4-TG-STS Progress Report.pdf101.8 KB
WSB 27 WSB 27/5.1/3 Climate Vulnerability Index (CVI) proposal

Climate change, ARC Centre for Coral Reef Studies, James Cook University, Outstanding Universal Value

WSB 27-5-1-3_CVI.pdf1.02 MB
WSB 27 WSB 27/5.1/2 TG-WH Progress Report

Esbjerg harbour, houting, World Heritage Strategy and Road Map, Development Wadden Sea WH Management Plan (SIMP)

WSB-27-5.1-2-TG-WH Progress Report.pdf87.12 KB
WSB 27 WSB 27/5.9/2a Cooperation with other WH sites

Future potential and added value of cooperation with other WH sites

WSB-27-5.9-2a-Cooperation-WH-sites.pdf187.58 KB
WSB 27 WSB 27/5.9/2b Cooperation with other WH sites - short list

Natural World Heritage Sites

WSB-27-5.9-2b-List Natural WH-sites.pdf191.84 KB
WSB 27 WSB 27/5.10/1 10th anniversary celebration

Bike tour, event series, concept

wsb-27-5-10-1-10th anniversary celebration.pdf365.58 KB
WSB 27 WSB 27/5.10/2 TWSC/CWSS-logo competition: Results and further steps

TWSC/CWSS-logo, evaluation

wsb-27-5-10-2_logo competition.pdf354.01 KB
WSB 27 WSB 27/5.1/1 ITB participation 2019

Prowad Link, Tourism

WSB 27-5-1-1 ITB Participation 2019.pdf150.61 KB
WSB 26 WSB 26/0 WSB 26 Adopted Summary Record

18 May 2018, Leeuwarden

WSB 26 Draft Summary Record.pdf120.09 KB
WSB 25 WSB 25/0 WSB 25 Adopted Summary Record

17 May 2018, Leeuwarden

WSB25_summary record.pdf118.31 KB
WSB 24 WSB 24/0 WSB 24 Adopted Summary Record

20 April 2018, Groningen, Netherlands

wsb-24 Summary Record.pdf195.74 KB
WSB 27 WSB 27/2/1 WSB 27 Draft Annotated Agenda

12-13 November 2018, Copenhagen

wsb_27_draft_annotated_agenda Rev.1.pdf42.58 KB
WSB 27 WSB 27/5.9/1 MoU Banc d’Arguin – Wadden Sea Draft action plan 2018-2020 WSB 27-5-9-1-MoU PNBA Mauritania.pdf308.79 KB
WSB 25 WSB 25/6.1/2 Conservation and Management Plan for the Wadden Sea Seal Population 2018-22

Seal Management Plan, TSEG, EG-Seals

wsb-25-6-1-2-SMP2018-22.pdf444.51 KB
WSB 26 WSB 26/5/1 TWSC Review Process

Evaluation & review process, Trilateral Wadden Sea Cooperation

wsb_26-5-1_TWSC Review Process.pdf140.15 KB
WSB 26 WSB 26/1/1 WSB 26 Invitation

18 May 2018, Leeuwarden

L18-117- WSB 26 Invitation 2018-05-04.docx99.02 KB
WSB 25 WSB 25/2/1 WSB 25 Draft Annotated Agenda

17 May 2018, Groningen, Netherlands

wsb_25_draft_annotated_agenda.pdf13.51 KB
WSB 25 WSB 25/6/1 10th anniversary celebration

10-year anniversary, bike tour, World Heritage

wsb-25-6-1-10th anniversary celebration.pdf239.12 KB
WSB 26 WSB 26/2/1 WSB 26 Draft Annotated Agenda

18 May 2018, Leeuwarden

wsb 26 draft annotated agenda.pdf13.43 KB
WSB 42 WSB 42/6.3 Danish priority programme

Danish Presidency, priorities

WSB-42-6-3_Danish_Priority_Programme_2024.pdf204.15 KB
WSB 43 WSB 43/5/5.4/2 OPTeamPH Progress Report

OPteamPH Progress report 

WSB-43-5-4-2_OPTeamPH Progress Report.pdf195.15 KB
WSB 42 WSB 42/7.1 Wadden Sea Forum Society Closure

Wadden Sea Forum, Societey Closure

WSB-42-7-1_WSF_SociteyClosure.pdf396.36 KB
N/A N/A Workshop salt marsh management- programme outline

 Nature conservation, coastal flood defence, salt marsh management

Programme Salt marsh worskhop 2024_final.pdf456.36 KB
WSB 43 WSB 43/5.2/1rev1 TG-CM Progress Report

EU Blue Parks Community (BPC), biodiversity, renewable energy

WSB-43-5-2-1_TG-CM progress report_rev1.pdf178.06 KB
WSB 42 WSB 42/7.2 WSF – Roadmap Sediment Management Project

Wadden Sea Forum, WSF, Sediment Management, Project, Ports, Shipping

WSB-42-7-2_WSF_Roadmap_Sediment_Management_Project.pdf493.99 KB
N/A N/A Workshop salt marsh management- excursion outline

Nature conservation, coastal flood defence, salt marsh management

Salt marsh excursion 2024.pdf455.55 KB
WSB 42 WSB 42/4 CWSS Announcements

CWSS, Announcements

WSB-42-4_CWSS_Announcements.pdf142.88 KB
WSB 43 WSB 43/4 Announcements by CWSS