08.08.2022 New Interreg North Sea project to set up a light pollution measuring network approved The overall objective of this small-scale project is to develop a light pollution monitoring network within the Wadden Sea area that combines different measurement methods to achieve reliable results. Read more
19.07.2022 Bird flu causes devastating losses among sandwich terns in the Wadden Sea The extensive number of adult sandwich terns which died during the recent outbreak of avian influenza (bird flu) can have large-scale consequences for the development of the sandwich tern population in Northwest-Europe. Read more
14.07.2022 Fundraising focus of Second East Atlantic Flyway Youth Forum The 2nd East Atlantic Flyway Youth Forum (EAFYF) took place on 9 and 10 July 2022 and focused on building youth capacity in project development and writing grant proposals. Read more
14.07.2022 Workshop evaluates trilateral cooperation between ports and green NGOs On 29 June 2022, some Partnership Hub Shipping Project partners, in collaboration with the Wadden Seaports, organized an online workshop with representatives of ports and eNGOs from Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands. Read more
13.07.2022 Danish Centre for Wadden Sea Research established In June 2022, Aarhus University took the initiative to establish the Danish Centre for Wadden Sea Research under the auspices of the Department of Ecoscience. Read more
01.07.2022 Wadden Sea wide counts: Long-term growth in grey seal numbers may be slowing down Since their recolonization of the Wadden Sea in the mid 20th-century, the grey seal population has considerably increased. Read more
30.06.2022 Dutch Wadden Sea World Heritage partner programme honours its first "Ambassadeurs" During the Day of the Wadden Sea (Dag van het wad) on 25 June the first Dutch "ambassadeurs" of the Wadden Sea World Heritage Site were honoured. Read more
29.06.2022 Common Wadden Sea Secretariat presents Wadden Sea issues at UN Ocean Conference On 27 June 2022, Bernard Baerends, CWSS Executive Secretary, delivered a keynote at the High-Level Symposium on Water at the 2nd UN Ocean Conference in Lisbon, Portugal. Read more
28.06.2022 Waddenmars 2022: Dutch youth marches for Wadden Sea issues On 24-26 June 2022, the first Wadden Sea March (Waddenmars) was held in the Netherlands. Nearly 30 young adults participated in this unique event in the Dutch Wadden Sea area. Read more
23.06.2022 CWSS participates in international scientific workshop at Banc d’Arguin National Park The workshop with focus on geomorphological processes and biological changes at the Bellaât Lagoon was organised by CWSS’s partner the Parque National du Banc d’Arguin (PNBA). Read more
16.06.2022 Transnational visitor survey highlights the importance of protected nature to Wadden Sea guests In 2020-2021, a visitor survey covering the entire destination of the Wadden Sea World Heritage in Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands was conducted. Its output shows that over 90 percent of guests know that the Wadden Sea is designated as World Heritage site. Read more
07.06.2022 New website offers collection of resources for Tourism, Enterprises and Sustainability Sustainable tourism development… What does it mean, why is it important and how can enterprises increase their social, economic and environmental impact towards it? Read more