New video on East Atlantic Flyway showcases Wadden Sea among other crucial sites

The UNEP/AEWA Secretariat and partners across the East Atlantic Flyway, among them the Common Wadden Sea Secretariat, released “A Call for Cooperation: Saving the Places Migratory Birds Call Home”, a new video production of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s Center for Conservation Media.
This film showcases the beauty of a number of critical sites across the East Atlantic Flyway, identifies how they are connected by the journeys of our migratory waterbirds, and stresses the importance of these sites for both migratory waterbirds and people. One of the crucial sites is the Wadden Sea World Heritage - staging ground for countless birds on their way from the Arctic to the wintering grounds in Africa. There is an urgent need to increase the protection of many sites and to work together in the Flyway to ensure migratory waterbirds have reliable, high quality wintering, staging and breeding sites for their survival. The Trilateral Wadden Sea Cooperation works with AEWA and other partners along the Flyway to establish and improve cross-border cooperation as well as capacity-building in the framework of the Wadden Sea Flyway Initiative with the aim of thus expanding the protection of the migratory birds by protecting their sites.
With this video partners across the East Atlantic flyway are calling on all relevant actors to take action to benefit migratory waterbirds and their critical sites. Join the efforts of existing international and regional organizations, national governments, stakeholders, scientists and local communities working towards this common goal.